So yesterday, while tailgating before the Sox game, this adorable little thing came by our little gathering and started talking to us about a new show that Spike is casting, looking for America’s Biggest, ahem… Asshole.
She gave us little fliers with her casting company’s info and the e-mail to apply for the show.
Me: “Ok, what is it about me that you beelined from the other group over there, to hand ME this?”
**ALT (Adorable Little Thing) **: (laughing) “Oh, you just look like the kind of guy that probably knows a lot of assholes, not that I’d EVER think you were one…”
Me: “Ok, good answer. You really should go talk to some of those cub fans though”
ALT: “I did at first, but none of them could read the flier”
Me: Ok, I have to ask: how many times have you said the word asshole today. and how many drunks have taken the chance to offer impromptu proof of their assholishness by making lewd comments?"
ALT: “Hundreds, and at least one in every group, it’s hot and I’m really starting to get annoyed, and it’s harder and harder to keep smiling”
Whew, sure am I glad I held back on my initial instincts to be one of those guys.
(Disclaimer: These all popped into my head minutes after she disappeared to continue walking around the parking lot full of drunks, and do not reflect MY attitudes, only the ones I’d have were I considering to establish asshole cred)
“Damn, honey, please tell me you’re 18. Or at least 16-17, I could play dumb if you were that close”
“Is your mom hot like you? Because a mommy/daughter sandwich would be just the thing”
“How much does it take you to get drunk, because I have a full cooler here, and all afternoon to wait”
“I can’t decide if I want to stand here and talk with you, or just enjoy the view when you walk away”