The Asshole Test - Guys Only

If you can avoid laughing while reading the entire thread you are NOT an asshole.

Begin test

I don’t know why, but I didn’t even make it to the comments…it was the dog behind the wheel that got me. :smiley:

Posts #17 and 23 got me. Oh lord.

“I’m an asshole-li-o-li-o o/~”

yeah, I was kinda like “wtf???” until I saw the dog, then I just lost it


(I could’ve told you I’m an asshole without taking the test, but it’s always good to see how you fare on a standardized test, eh.)

btw, post #37 was pure gold!

It only gets better as you go on!.. I promise

The site is lagging bigtime because this thread is spreading like wildfire…

3.2 million views in 5 days, and counting

Oh man #451… I just squeeled

Oh. My.
Well, I’m a girl, and I only made it as far as the poster who posted the pic of the shocked-looking guy. So I guess I’m an asshole, too.

I recognized the thread the second I saw those eyes. :shudder:

Asshole here.

I hate to post a “me, too” - but… me, too.

Moving sharing of mundane and pointless link to MPSIMS. Anyone who gets pissed off can start a Pit thread. I predict it won’t be an issue.

Found a REAL Asshole test (actually a combination Asshole/Bitch exam).

Eh, if she posted here there would be a bunch of people who’d comment to tell her how hot she was. To each their own.

I don’t get what all the fuss is about. I guess that means I’m not a guy.

I was just thinking the same thing. It is rather context-specific there.


Didn’t laugh, just thought it was pathetic. Do I still get to be an asshole?

I was perfectly civilised until post #37 … then I got whacked by the asshole stick upside the head, big time.

Female checking in.

Yeah, shouldn’t have opened this during class.

Got to this comment:

“Let me guess, she is going through Heroin/PCP withdrawal and has a nasty habit of chewing on bricks??”

And lost it.

Still giggling.

So the guy posts some pictures of his weird-looking girlfriend, and people post rude, semiliterate comments. 62 fucking pages. I’m sure as hell not going to read all the way through it.