Amazon gift cards - cannot read claim codess

I have several Amazon gift cards that I had been accumulating, so last week I decided to add them to my account.

Turns out, on two of the cards the label that you peel of to reveal the claim code peeled off a good bit of the cards with them. On one card, every number and letter was destroyed; on the second I could read about half of the remaining values.

So, I emailed Amazon customer service - this was about a week ago - and have not received a response. I see no phone number to call, nor any other way of contacting them.

I’ll try emailing again, but I was wondering if anyone else has had this issue or has advice on how to get it resolved.


I know you can’t really call Amazon. Keep emailing them, they should get back to you.
I was given a local gift card from a bride who I helped with her flowers. I left it in my car for a few weeks and when went to reveal the code it came off, same thing as you. Totally unreadable. I took it to the store and they honored it. But, like I said it was somewhat local. Good luck.

Here is the number for customer service: 1 (888) 280-4331

Thank you Sunny!

Next time, put them into your account immediately. They don’t expire once inputted.

I have had better luck with email than phone support, YMMV

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