An over-inflated sense of self-importance.

LivingDeadGirl…no hard feelimgs :slight_smile:

Utter Hijack #1
Stoid: What are “real” chives? Educate me!

Utter Hijack #2
kabbes: curtseycurtsey Thankyathankya!

Utter Hijack #3, a.k.a. With Some Trepidation…
Since everyone’s at peace now and since kabbes brought up this flirting-in-unrelated-threads issue (okay, now I’m just makin’ up excuses), can we chat, hardygrrl?
I usually dig ya. IRL, I bet you could fulfill my need for a foulmouthed, hard drinkin’, sex talkin’ girlfriend.
What the hell is her point, everyone is asking…
But I’m startin’ to cringe when I see your threads or posts. [insert awkward smilie here] 'Cos it seems like there’s always a little subline to yer SO. And part of me knows it’s new and it will pass…or that it’s all sorts of high drama ‘cos it’s the mystery doper…But, mostly, it just grates me. And I doubt my fellow Dopers want me adding a PS to most of my posts to that darn cat, y’know, thankin’ him for an e-mail or mind-blowing sex…or reminding him to pick up some soy milk on the way home from work. It’s kinda irrelevant. And maybe kinda tacky to use the SDMB to pass on what seems like private communciation.
You’re obviously a popular and well-liked poster, and I certainly didn’t want to “take you to the Pit” over this. 'Cos, really, I was just gonna get that infamous “don’t read it” schtick mentioned above. But, mah problem is, I usually like your posts and generally want to read them–just that these days, I usually have to only read the middle bits, so I don’t have to endure this:

Um. Okay. Glad I got that out there. I don’t know what you’re gonna do with this info, maybe just food for thought. Hopefully ya won’t wish rareasstorture on me.

FTR, I’m not flippin’ out atcha. I’m just, y’know. Sayin’.

No, I actually want my situation to gradually spread through the rest of the atmosphere.




Moi, my dear, you have missed out if you have missed ** real ** chives!

** Real chives ** are a plant in the onion family. They are green, and look exactly like green onions tops ([sub]hence the restaurant fake-out[/sub], except in perfect, delicate miniature. Here, let me actually measure…(goes to kitchen, selects perfect chive) this one fits comfortably in the 1/8th inch area on my ruler, with a little room on either side.

The flavor of a chive is like the look of a chive: a marvelously delicate, yet very particular sort of onion flavor. It is ** not ** the flavor of green onion (I don’t wish to give the impression that I am in any way hostile to green onions. In fact, I am quite fond of them. I am only hostile to them when they masquerade as something they are emphatically not, which is chives).

There is even a variety of chive called garlic chives, which are charming as well, but I must say I have a weakness for simple, basic chives. I buy them like some people buy milk, as a staple of my household, and I dump them on everything I can think of. Particularly potatoes, of course, cottage cheese, and angel hair pasta with butter and thyme and raw garlic and Reggiano.

I think I’m going to have to head over to Zenster’s threads if I keep talking like this…

Get yourself some chives. Herb section of produce aisle. Live a little.


Gotcha Moi…I’ll stop the references to SP.

The sig line stays for now. Let me have my little bit of fun.

Can you feel the love tonight?

Thanks, Grok. Glad to know SexyWriter hasn’t been scared off :slight_smile:
I gotta go buy me some chives and make me some devilled eggs now.

this is the nicest pit thread i have ever read. what the fuck.

i’m a total pit newbie and even I’m ashamed for you guys. i mean, yall started off great but then it was just back-pats and sweet little finger-fucks all around. is this what the legendary pit has come to?



Okay, everybody! Group hug for White Lightning!

{{{{{{{{{White Lightning}}}}}}}}}


[sup]White Lightning - shhhhhhhhh. Leave them alone. We’re hoping they start to make out soon.[/sup]

Keep dreaming Manhattan :slight_smile:
If I’m going to make out with anyone from the SDMB…I think we all know who that’ll be. :wink:


Same here.


Me too.

:: looking around…not really knowing myself ::

:: crickets ::

anyone wanna make out? I mean…I am the expert and all :slight_smile:


Wanna compare notes? :wink:

And here’s my cue to re-enter this thread. I’ve got the Polaroid and the digital camera, now which of you ladies wants to help me expand the photo gallery for my adult website?

Hehehe…I’ve got some whipped cream, Crunchy…


What’s the name of your site? ?

AAAAND…more flirting in the wrong goddamned thread.

Thanks for demonstrating one of my points, folks.

Paprika?? Puhleeeeeeze.

Cayenne is what REAL eggs have for the lovely red color :slight_smile: