Hello there! You may remember me from such threads as “Today, I de-lurk for a kitten.”, and, well, that’s about it.
The truth is, shortly after that thread, I got a job programming in the games industry ( ) and quickly found that I didn’t have much time for the SDMB any more, and barely had time to read the Dope itself! :eek:
After a while I started lurking on the boards again – they always come back, right? – and with all the kind words and encouragement that I remember receiving back then, I finally decided you all deserved an update. Alternately, you can take this as an excuse for me to share cat pics. (Not that I’m trying to imply that one NEEDS an excuse…)
Anyway, we eventually settled on the name “Chaos” for our tiny gray kitten, and since then she’s grown into quite the affectionate and athletic cat. No significant health issues or behavior problems seem to have resulted from her abandonment: if I had to pick something, I’d say she still (gently) bites a little too often. For being left alone for at least a week, before she was weaned, I count that as pretty minor damage!
The other two cats – Mischief and Mayhem – have mostly made their peace with her. Being a couple years younger than they are, Chaos sometimes wants to play a little more rough than they would prefer, but a couple non-clawed bonks on the noggin usually settle the negotiations on what is proper play behavior. Other than that, they all get along pretty well.
(By non-clawed I don’t mean that we have declawed any of our cats. I just mean that they reserve their claws for REAL need, like when I rubafuzzytummy too much.)
As a “thanks” to everyone who gave me advice and encouragement in that first thread, I now give you a bajillion pictures of all three cats. Enjoy!