Annie asked me to post on here to tell her Doper frineds that her mother died on Tuesday.
She had been suffering from Parkinson’s disease and a few months ago she needed the batteries changed in the brain implants she had for dopamine regulation. Apparently this operation did not go well and the batteries were not operating as they should be. After that, Annie’s Mom had to go into a nursing home, where she developed what they first thought was a chest infection or pneumonia, but which turned out to be a blood clot on her lung and which moved to her heart, causing her a fatal heart attack.
Annie and her husband and daughter are heading back to America today and she asked me to say that if anyone wants to know more, to contact me, on my e-mail here.
Annie doesn’t know how long she will be away and she might get on here to post and she might not. She asked me to get in touch with Jaydis and Zeppo so I will also mail them, in case they do not see this.
As Annie’s mother and I do not share the same religion, I do not know what the appropriate thing is to say, in her religion, but I hope I wont offend anyone by saying what we say in mine.
Rest In Peace.
I’m sure that’s not offensive in any religion, curly chick.
Wow, Annie, I’m so sorry. I hope you and your family are a source of support for one another in this difficult time. And I hope your mother gets the farewell she deserves. May she rest in peace.
So sorry to hear this Annie. I know how strong you are and I know you’ll make it through this difficult time. If there’s anything I can do, let me know. You have my phone number if you need to call me, any time of the day or night. Love you.
Annie, you were your usual mile-a-minute self when we met on Tuesday. I hope you have all the help you need in this difficult period and I know you’ll be a support to those around you. I’m sorry for your trouble.
curly chick, I did see Annie’s post in her LJ and I’ve already emailed her, but thanks for volunteering to help Annie out. I’m sure this is a very difficult time for her and she’s probably being scattered in a thousand directions.
Annie, when you see this, please remember that your friends are thinking of you and your family and wishing you the best. Please feel free to call me if there’s anything at all that I can do.
Spiny Norman and I also want to extend our sympathies and comfort to you and your family. Barring the unusual circumstance, we will all lose our parents – I’ve already lost one of mine, as well. However, even knowing that it’s inevitable, it doesn’t make the shock, pain and sadness any more bearable. Just know that she’s at peace now and let that bring you as much comfort as it can during this difficult time. May your hearts heal soon.
My thoughts and deepest sympathy to you, Anahita. May your memories of your mother be a constant source of comfort and encouragement in this difficult time.