Answers Only Thread

No, I’ve never done that, and hope I never do.

Why yes, I sure do need to renew my extended warranty. Thanks for asking.

No, you don’t need a social worker, especially one whose office is so far away.

I did get the exacta in the Preakness, but it didn’t pay as much as I hoped.

I thought I told you never to ask me about that.

Give me the money I told you never to give me.

Well yes, I did ask her, but you won’t like what she told me.

Not too bad, all things considered.


No, I think you’d better go.

We ate there last week. Food was quite good, but they were understaffed.

One wasn’t enough, so I’m considering making two this time.

No, there weren’t ANY good old days for a whole lot of Americans.

It took a while, but I found them, in a box in the garage.

Well, the first bottle is almost gone, so I’ve got two more ready.

Turkey, stuffing, cranberries, mashed potatoes; you know, the usual.

It was only a dream… or a nightmare, I should say.

Yes, he named one after each of the four seasons.

Oh it was self defense. He threatened to put me in the hospital again.

Actually, I had chosen to forget about that (until you reminded me).