I know we have one or two folks posting from other countries—who are you, and where art thou?
And I KNOW there is nothing else in the world as neato-keeno as the SDMB, but are there any similar boards in foreign (English-speaking) countries? I’ve always wanted to be an exchange student!
I personally live in the old US of A, but I can name several posters on this board who live in other countries. Guanolad is in Australia, Coldfire is in The Netherlands, John Larrigan is in Ireland, and there are many more.
“Distinguished” Sexy assistant to Head Honcho,
Self-Righteous Clique
Do I count? I’m posting from Germany, but the blue eagle-embossed passport in my purse IDs me as American. Lets me go through the short lines in Immigration at the US airports, too.
With my high starched collar and my high topped shoes and my hair piled high upon my head,
I went to lose a jolly hour on the trolley and lost my heart instead.
With his light brown derby and his bright green tie,
He was quite the handsomest of men,
I started to yen, so I counted to ten, then I counted to ten again.
“Clang, clang, clang,” went the trolley,
“Ding, ding, ding,” went the bell.
“Zing, zing, zing,” went my heart-strings,
For the moment I saw him I fell.
“Chug, chug, chug,” went the motor,
“Bump, bump, bump,” went the brake,
“Thump, thump, thump,” went my heart strings,
When he smiled, I could feel the car shake.
Incidentally, Eve, where do you get “furriners” from? I assume you know this is the standard way of representing the Somerset pronunciation of “foreigners”.
Example: Ee bain’t be frum round 'ere. Ee be a furriner.
Trans. “He is from Birmingham / London / Patagonia / the Moon”
I’m surprised to hear an American (even such an erudite one) use it, though.
[Aside: In Somerset, the local toy shop is called “Toys B We”.]
I’m American, but my mother is Korean and I’m posting from Germany, so can I be included? Me & Shantih can be the Kraut Lovin’ Americans of the Straight Dope Clique.