Anybody Need Some Tiny Rants?

Yeah, several stores have that technology here. But I always figured it was to keep homeless people from taking them. Hrm. If you’re in a suburb, doesn’t everyone have a car?

  1. Customers who call the restaurant to order and then don’t know what they want. I understand having questions, but I can’t stand it when they act like they were just sitting in their room doing a puzzle and I poked my head in and said, “hey, you want some food?” YOU CALLED ME, moron. You’re wasting my time by making me wait for you to get it together.

  2. Customers who don’t know their addresses. If you want your food delivered to your house, how can it possibly come as a surprise to you that I want to know where you live? Also, if you’re having a party and ordering food, have someone who knows the address do the ordering. it just makes sense.

  3. The stupid effing check machine and customers who are savvy about their safety. I have to have your social security number if you’re going to write a check. It won’t go through the machine otherwise. I don’t like it either and I understand 100% not wanting to give out your social security number, but that’s the way it is. I can’t take a check without it.

  4. I’ll second blister packs. The thing I REALLY hate about them is that you can’t spit your gum in them and then throw them away.

  5. People who get entirely too much pleasure out of watching me eat. especially the ones who use it as a power play. Like we’re six years old and I’d better be good or she’ll tell on me. “You have to eat all of it! I’m not going to let you cheat! I’ll tell your mom.” There’s something really just not cool about friends telling you what to do and knowing they can and will make life miserable if you don’t do what they say. (and no, I don’t have any intention of making plans with these certain people at any point in the near future.)

  6. To a lesser degree, people who see it as a kind of novelty. “this is great! I haven’t seen you eat anything in two years!” Thanks. Now that I’m painfully aware I have an audience for something I’m ashamed to be doing in the first place, let’s see how much fun this will be.

  7. That awful body/car food/fuel analogy. If I hear one more person tell me my body is like a car and food is the fuel. “a car can’t run without fuel, right? you wouldn’t try to drive with no gas!” I’ll force-feed them gasoline and dance around singing the “your body is like a car! mmmm, fuel!” song. The worst part is that people seem to think it’s original. Like I’ve never heard it before and when they say it, I’ll be like, "“OMG! you’re right! food is… like… FUEL! I’d better go have a piece of cake because now that you’ve told me that, I realize that I must have been imagining things when I starved and stayed alive! THANK YOU for opening my eyes!”

  8. People who are always looking for a “loan.” (which they never intend to repay) or who think that having a job=rich. I’m the only one in certain circles of friends at school who has a job. Becuase I have a job, I do have some extra money. (like “hey, I can buy some cheap eyeshadow!” money, not “I wear brand-name clothes” money. I have only slightly more than they get in allowance, and that’s mostly because I don’t buy snacks or candy or lunch.) But I also pay rent and I’m saving for college and I buy my own food and other essentials. And I will lend money or pay for stuff sometimes. I mean, if I’m getting a soda for myself and I ask if anyone else wants one, I’m usually willing to shell out a few bucks for some sodas. And if someone occasionally has no lunch money, it would be kind of bitchy of me to just let them starve. but people take advantage and I hate it. Having a job is not the same thing as having a rich daddy. If you want money, get your own job!!

  9. I hate it when people laugh at me for being “innocent.” Like… so what that I don’t know what a tossed salad is or didn’t realize you could have oral sex with women or had to look “cunnilingus” up in the dictionary. If someone would explain it to me, I’d know. And now I know. And it’s not really my fault that I don’t know about something I’ve never heard about. And also, ew. Oh yeah, and I don’t really think it’s that bad to be fifteen and a virgin and not know all the slang terms for sexual practices. That doesn’t make me inferior to you in any way.

  10. I also hate words that are totally innocent but have sexual connotations. Especially the ones I don’t know about. I’ll say something and everyone will start snickering and nobody will tell me what I said that was funny. I have to ask someone else later and the explanation is usually something like “lampshade is slang for vagina.” how was I supposed to know that? and why is EVERYTHING slang for sex or drugs?

wow. I have a lot of anger.

People who can’t seem to follow the rather simple “you kill it, you fill it” policy around the office. I’m going to have a frickin’ conniption the next time I…

…try to get a glass of water and am greeted by an empty plastic 5-gallon jug on top of the water cooler.

…sit down on the can and find empty cardboard tubes.

…see an empty cardboard tube on the paper towel dispenser in the kitchen.

…have a grinder full of fresh coffee beans and can’t find a damned filter.

It gets even worse when you’re an adult and you don’t have a job or spending money and your friend (who has two or three jobs to give her the illusion of financial support for her gambling habit) calls you up out of the blue after a few months of not hearing from her and she wants several hundred bucks because she “didn’t balance her checks right and made a mistake on a check she wrote”. Uh huh.

And then you see her and she’s joking about how she takes out credit cards to pay credit cards, and you realize that she’s 20 and will be lucky to kill off half her debt by age 50 just for a few months of fun and flashing lights.

I almost just pooped my pants laughing. Thank G*d for the Onion.

I never have enough anger in me for a real post in the pit, so I always think I’ll save it until one of these threads is started. But by then I always forget what I wanted to rant about. Oh well, I guess that means life is going OK, eh?

That woman on the Msgr. O’Brien Highway on Wednesday: Yes, I know traffic is absurdly backed-up because it was July 5th, and they keep opening the drawbridge to let all the rich bastards with boats who watched the fireworks back out of the river, and that it’s pretty hard to change lanes in stopped traffic, but whatever it was that you were trying to do violates certain laws of physics. Sure, getting just a little bit of your front bumper into the lane to your left is a common tactic for pulling off a merge in bumper to bumper traffic, but you really can’t do it in the middle of an 18-wheeler. Squeezing the edge of your car under the trailer isn’t going to accomplish anything, other than making the poor guy on a bike trying to negotiate the gap between the two of you pull off a really sketchy maneuver to get through.

Also, another tiny rant for whoever decided that roads in Boston ought to have traffic 4 to 6 inches from the curb on many streets. If only there was some sort of shoulder, I wouldn’t have been in that position in the first place.

  1. Scottish & Newcastle, are you fucking with me, or are you actually stopping imports of Beamish Irish stout in favor of selling CANNED Newcastle Brown? That’s like Ruth’s Chris deciding to stop serving ribeyes in favor of frozen salisbury steak.

  2. Alltel: how difficult is it to set up a phone system that doesn’t drop calls at random? I should send you a bill for the 2 hours and 50 minutes of work I missed this week because your phone system kept shitting the bed.

  3. To my local FOX affiliate: you have a choice between Boston-Chicago and St. Louis-Houston, and you choose the Battle of the Foot Coverings? WTH? Who in their right mind gives a crap about this game within your broadcast area? Show that Leslie Nielsen curling movie you’re so fond of and then go to the Cards-Astros game at 4.

I’m sure I’ll come up with some other things later.

Minor pitting on the scarcity of crisp one dollar bills. I know they don’t buy much anymore, but vending machines at my workplace take them.

Before the advent of such machines, it seems like every other one dollar bill I got from my credit union, or as change from stores, was clean, crisp, and nearly pristine. When vending machines started accepting dollar bills (along with the change making machines) it seems like the world’s supply of crisp dollar bills dried up. Now every damn one dollar bill I get looks like it’s been tucked away in somebody’s asscrack for the last three or four years, or been through a couple of cycles in a washing machine. It takes a lot of coaxing to get vending machines to accept them. Anyone else notice this? Is the U.S. Mint overdue in printing new dollar bills?

Independence day was 4 days ago, fuckers – it was bad enough that you started celebrating with your own fireworks the a week ago Friday, and continued celebrating between midnight and 2am all week, but if you don’t stop shooting them off at 7:30am on Saturdays, I’m going to hunt you down and stick those firecrackers up your ass.

To Tikki and Fetus, in regard to the shopping cart thing, here the local grocery has made it very difficult to take a cart out of the store. Not impossible, but you would have to go to a lot of effort, and there are signs everywhere telling you carts are not to leave the store. Instead they offer a "Drive up"option they will load the groceries in your car for you. A ladyfriend who works there told me that they save more money in insurance for “Your cart sratched my car” claims than to hire a few people to provide curbside service. that option works for me. In the case I am walking, I just call for a taxi. One more time the little town got it right. The federal money for public transportation did not go to a bus, it subsidizes the taxi service. Anywhere in town, two bucks.

Actually, she’s my sister’s cat…

But Kali, if you don’t stop chewing on cords, I’m going to have to spend a bunch of money to cover them all (damn your fuzzy cuteness!)

And BTW, stop standing in front of the monitor! And that goes for the rest of you too!

I’ve been spending some time around marinas and boat launches lately. What’s with the 20 foot pleasure boats with * two * 250 horsepower outboards on them? That’s enough power to tow supertankers. The fish will still be there if you can only cruise out to the fishing grounds at 45 mph instead of 60.

To Tikki and Fetus, in regard to the shopping cart thing, here the local grocery has made it very difficult to take a cart out of the store. Not impossible, but you would have to go to a lot of effort, and there are signs everywhere telling you carts are not to leave the store. Instead they offer a "Drive up"option they will load the groceries in your car for you. A ladyfriend who works there told me that they save more money in insurance for “Your cart sratched my car” claims than to hire a few people to provide curbside service. that option works for me. In the case I am walking, I just call for a taxi. One more time the little town got it right. The federal money for public transportation did not go to a bus, it subsidizes the taxi service. Anywhere in town, two bucks.

How do you get a mod to delete a post? I posted on a thread then got distracted, and when I came back to the computer a half hour later saw the message on the screen and without thinking hit the send key. I stand by what I posted, but I sent it twice about a half hour apart! I just want the double post eliminated. I looked at the “Home” menu but there is not an "I am a freaking idiot bail me out"option there.

Uh…anybody else a leeetle worried about SurrenderDorothy? Am I missing some key detail?

Yep, I’d certanly like to hear more abour THAT! :slight_smile:

Click that red warning-looking thing in the top right corner of any post and say “I’m a freaking idiot bail me out I double posted” in the box.

Yeah, me too, a little bit. You are talking about the not eating thing, right?

Oh, we just went shopping for a couple of hours (good exercise on a hot Saturday afternoon - cruising around in AC), and I thought of another one - people who cut right in front of you while you’re walking in a straight line. I’m not a tiny woman - I’m going to put somebody on their ass some day when they do this and I don’t notice and come to a screeching halt for them.

Here’s a meme we need to get out in the general population - walk like you (are supposed to) drive. Don’t come to a stop suddenly without being aware of people behind you, don’t veer in front of someone else, don’t cut other people off, don’t block traffic, and slow traffic stays to the right so you can pass on the left.

Have you ever been to Southern California? I would run for the hills if people started walking like they drive.