Anyone else getting tired of Una's delusions?

Let me preface by saying that I tremendously respect Una’s knowledge about things related to power generation. But I really tire of her imagining offenses against her.

Here’s the latest. If pointing out threadshitting crosses the line into being a Jr. Mod I apologize. Perhaps I am excessively annoyed by those who answer an op’s what if hypothetical with something self-congratulatory about why the hypothetical does not apply to them. But that annoyance has nothing to do with any history. There has never been any “campaign of insults and personal slurs against” her by me, nor do I ever recall ever being “owned by” her in any Pit thread. In fact the only Pit contact that I can even remember is this one, with her entering in on page 4 on. Certainly not a contact that I experienced as being “owned” in, merely annoyed by.

My first experience with what I thought was odd from her goes back to post 57 of this thread in 6/10, in which she claimed that she had been a victim of Dopers mocking her and making sexual slurs for pointing out that people are bad at counting calories. I expressed sympathy and felt it would be inappropriate to ask her for a cite, but honestly I had a hard time believing that Dopers are fond of making sexual slurs over disagreements of fact.

Yes it was also very strange to be told in this Comments about Cecil’s Columns thread that I had negligently or deliberately misrepresented her posts, and to also be told that I was out of bounds to call one of Cecil’s columns “a disservice” and a “superficial answer” in the forum created to critique those columns.

Honestly I try to stay away from her as I think she is a bit unstable, with my one comment today being an exception where her self-righteousness at a response to her threadshitting made me post despite the fact that I try to avoid contact with her. But that claim that I have some campaign against her? Well I am tired of having to avoid her or to parse my responses in GQ or GD threads that she is also posting in ever so delicately so that she does not believe I am out to get her somehow.

Okay that rant is off my chest.

Una for the record: I have no personal squabble with you other than your imagining that I am attacking you. My comment in today’s IMHO thread would have been made to anyone who both threadshitted in the same way and them followed it up with such sanctimony. The hypothetical was if you were desperate: posting how you have dozens of job offers so you’d tell them to stuff it and then following it up with more of how great and educated and experienced you are is at best ignorant behavior. It shouldn’t require mod action to comment on that.


I think you and I cross swords/disagree on a regular basis (mostly on the Taste Great vs Less Filling debates regarding weight gain/loss).

But I do think Una’s post in that thread was a bit over the top and threadshitting/obnoxious/irrelevant. So in this particular case it wasn’t just you. As for the other stuff I have no idea as I wasn’t involved.

While I don’t think Una’s original comment today was 100% threadshitting, it was terribly insensitive.

I think Una is pretty much spot on most of the time though. She does get pretty defensive at times, but most of the time, I feel it’s warranted.

Hey, pimpin’ ain’t easy.

Let me paraphrase Dr Johnson: “He who is tired of Una is tired of life.”

I’m always fascinated by her informative posts on topics in which she has specialist knowledge. Unstable? Self-righteous? Sorry, I don’t see it, even on looking in the directions you’re pointing/

Damn right, DSeid, and you should mention her anger-management deficiencies and her frequent simple babbling, frothing incoherence, too. Just mention guns to her sometime and see what happens. Poor child can’t stand the thought that anybody else might know or understand something better than she does, and flies into tantrums a six year old would be ashamed of.

Hey, Una has tossed off some great one-liners. I still chuckle about her crack vis-a-vis loadbearing beams and pinot noir. But she definitely approaches this board from a different perspective than most of us and finds herself assuming insult where none was meant.

In the linked thread, I don’t think Una is the one assuming insult when none was meant.


Meh. Una was posting more in response to the title than the OP, so her failure to take into account the “you desperately need a job” angle is not a big deal at all.

What’s really going on here is that many people on the SDMB just have a problem with others posting about their professional success.

Speaking of delusions …

Anybody who would post:

doesn’t deserve my sympathy. It reminds me of when I used to tend bar and would get occasional assholes demanding special treatment and saying “Do you know who I am? DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!”

…here comes a post by ElvisL1ves :rolleyes:

On topic: I don’t pay a lot of attention, but I like what I’ve seen of Una.

Una writes quite a bit of “Cecil’s” content these days which may explain why she was a little sensitive in the Comments thread.

You wouldn’t though, would you.

While Senegoid was overly brusque, Una’s post not only didn’t answer the OP’s question but it quite probably rubbed raw some egos. You may say she had every right to do so and I wouldn’t even disagree. But people who don’t pay attention to others’ feelings don’t get to complain when theirs get stepped on.

What the fuck else is she supposed to say when some dipshit shows up saying, “I don’t have a job can I have one of your offers, hurrr durrrr?” She’s a person who’s worked her ass off, for years, to get where she is. Now, I know plenty hardworking people are having trouble finding jobs these days, and i sympathize, but acting like an entitled douche to someone who’s worked that hard and ended up more successful than you… well, I’d get irritated too.

Walked to school uphill both ways, I would imagine.

Care to elaborate? At least for our entertainment, if nothing else?

I am hesitant to post this, knowing that there are going to be people in this thread who are going to snipe at me for being “jealous of Una’s success.” What the fuck ever.

About six years ago, tygre and were members of the Unaboard. At the suggestion of our mutual friend Sparteye, she and I started talking to each other, which led to us dating, which led to us getting married. Understandably I felt indebted to the Unaboard and Una and fierra.

Around that time, Una started making a lot of noises about how much the Unaboard cost her, and hinted about how much a burden it was. I was surprised by that, but, hey, I had no idea how much VBulletin software and hosting space cost, so I assumed this was a real financial burden on her. She never actually started actively soliciting donations, but she made it clear that they wouldn’t be turned away, and it was suggested that donations would ensure the continued existence of the board.

At the time, tygre and her kids were moving out here from Illinois. We weren’t broke, but we weren’t exactly flush with cash either. tygre had to quit her job to move out here, we had to move into a bigger apartment, and I started putting her through grad school. Nevertheless, we wanted to support the Unaboard for the role it had in getting us together. After discussing it, we decided to send Una $100 through an intermediary. I know $100 isn’t really that much, and now with both of us in good jobs we wouldn’t think it was that much, but at the time it was a big deal to us. I’m always willing to support things which I think are deserving of help; it’s why I’m working for a soup kitchen free of charge, it’s why I’m volunteering my consulting services for various organizations from California to the UK.

Well, a couple months after that, Una started talking about how much she was making, how she was “agonizing” over whether to buy a Corvette or a Porsche, how she had thousand-dollar dresses in her closet, and all kinds of other things that made it very clear: she didn’t need our money at all to run the Unaboard. And, frankly, I felt very cheated by that. She’d strongly insinuated that our money might be the difference between having an Unaboard and not having one. She knew that our financial situation wasn’t great, but she still cashed our check. The Unaboard wouldn’t have even cost her more than one car payment, for several years’ operation.

Yeah, it was six years ago, but I still feel like I was taken for a fool by Una. I eventually left the Unaboard, even though I had to leave so many friends behind. It’s not even the money that got me. We give away many times more than that in charity every year and we know we’re not getting any return from it. Even if Una had said, “Look, the Unaboard costs money, and I’d like to ask for everyone’s fair share,” that would have been cool. It was the implication that without the money she couldn’t have afforded to run it. I can’t stay anywhere where I feel cheated.

You think I want Una’s life? I sure don’t. I love being able to sleep at night.

Is this what is meant by, “Shit just got real up in this bitch?”

Nope. Just worked very hard and made good life decisions. I don’t agree with the hate on that part of the pitting.