I’ll be organizing bags of frozen breastmilk in my freezer by “born on” date for easy retrieval later on.
Let the good times roll!
I’ll be organizing bags of frozen breastmilk in my freezer by “born on” date for easy retrieval later on.
Let the good times roll!
I’ll be driving eight hours to get a tattoo and officiate at a pagan handfasting ritual. I think you win, though.
Wow…in the weird world that is us, I have to say I’m doing BOTH of those things this weekend! :eek:
That is, I need to relabel and organize the breast milk, as I discovered my original organization system isn’t so…organized.
And then I’m going to officiate a Spring Equinox Ritual with a surprise Handfasting!
As hobbies go, I would have never thought of either of these.
Okay, now you really freak me out. But Happy Ostara!
I’ll be jamming with some other old fogies on some classic rock tunes at a Purim Carnival. That’s odd for me, anyway. ;j
Well I’m in the middle of my weekend and I haven’t done anything that odd. I was planning on peaking in the porn section of the local video store, but that’s more perverted than odd (really I’m just curious at how hard core the stuff they hide is given that they have what most American stores would hide away just out in the rest of the store).
I have to attend my initial training for my position as a Draft Board member.
I will be entertaining, in my home, for the weekend, two people I really really dislike. The man who stole my fiancee’s cat and his freak girlfriend. Why? He is my fiancee’s best man and he is coming to town for a tux fitting. I think the whole affair is a little odd, but the really odd part is I will be counting my cats all weekend. Maybe a little sign “This is not your cat, you may not have it…” :mad:
I’m not sure if this counts as odd. I’m making another necklace holder for myself. I already have one on my wall which is overflowing with an unholy tangle of necklaces.
I’ve got a basswood round for it that I’m going to do a combo of woodburning/painting on. I think I might do a faerie. I’ve got a sparkle glaze that I can’t wait to try out for her wings.
I will be playing in a LARP as the supposedly loyal 17th C. French subject of the Aztec conquerors of Europe (Conquest circa 1522). This will also entail making some faux gold medallions of my totem animal in clay.
And helping my wife organise the expressed breastmilk, no doubt.
On Saturday I plan to spend 18 hours sitting in front of my computer playing City of Heroes.
On Sunday I’ve got you all beat in the weirdness department, but I’m not going to share.
Art, meet Life.
Assuming it doesn’t rain too hard, this Saturday I will be spending the day doing volunteer maintenance at a combination ocelot (and other “little big cat”) sanctuary and temple to the goddess Isis. And hopefully playing with the ocelots as well.
I was going to do this but I’m going to get a car inspected for the insurance people. Then, I’m going to go look at a house.
I’ll do the CoH on Sunday though.
I’m glad you were the one to notice and say something about that.
Now: toast.
Later: porn.
A great day’s making I think.