April Foolish Mini-rants

Forgive a bit of un-ranting. Youngest son is a PunkAss Skater. Which is great, until the other day, when he broke his foot on the other side of the country. We know it must’ve hurt like hell because he actually went to the ER. They took X-rays, he got a boot and crutches. And talk of possible surgery.
We’re all upset because he was leaving for a big skateboarding thing in North Africa in a month.
Not to mention, skating is his therapy. What else is he going to do? Sit and read a book? Pfft…

Well, he paid (out of pocket) for a consult with an orthopedic specialist. Annnnnd… NO crutches, boot for a month, then off on the Marrakesh Express.

Yep, I’m singing…
Take the train from Casablanca going south/
Blowing smoke rings from the corners of my my,my,my,my mouth…

Its Saturday, April 8th & I just scored a nice load of free firewood for my fire-pit.

Given that sometimes thread subjects seem to chase me like I owe them money, I wonder how long it will be before some Whiny Little Bitch starts to complain about fire-pits and the smell of firewood burning outdoors at night in springtime?
I think tonight’s comeback will be, “Fuck You, Snowflake. If you’re Ash-Smoke Intolerant, get your Sickly Ass indoors…”

Oh, didn’t you notice the new Too-Pissed-for-the-Pit thread?:

“The Bluchers Never Invite Me Over But I Wouldn’t Go Anyhow Because A Tree Died For Their Amusement Not To Mention The Innocent Hops They Sacrificed For Their Beverages And Don’t Get Me Started On Their Kajagoogoo Karaoke!”

I’ve been training for months for an event scheduled for this morning. Working my not-so-little butt off, working around and though injuries, knowing my results would be crap (compared to last year) due to said injuries but eager to participate anyway. Everything was on schedule until…Thursday afternoon I come down with a terrible sinus thing. Not exactly a cold, not exactly allergies, not quite a sinus infection, but it’s knocking me flat. I rested all day Friday but it didn’t work, this morning I was so woozy from the sinus thing that even driving over to the venue to cheer on my friends was out of the question. Now I’m seeing their Facebook photos about the even and I’m even more bummed. Screw you, stupid sinus thing.

What’s so fucking hard about a STOP sign?? Here’s what you do: When you come to a STOP sign you STOP!

Saturday I was coming out of grocery and almost got run over by a guy who didn’t even slow down for the STOP sign and stared at me the whole time.

Then I get in my car and drive up to the shopping mall entrance, where I stop at the STOP sign and then have to wait while the lady coming in, who doesn’t have a STOP sign, stops and stares at me. Go you idiot. You have no STOP sign. I do.

She finally figures it out, pulls out in front of me and proceeds to run the very next STOP sign.:smack:

It’s a miracle these people can breathe.

You win +1 internets.

Lsat Document In means Last Document In. It’s a deadline.

So, it got up to ~85°F here yesterday, whereupon I turned on the A/C for the first time this year, leading to the Mystery Of Why The A/C Doesn’t Work (… when it’s only 3 years old and worked fine last year). After a three-hour service visit, the mystery is solved:

It was the Flooring Installer, with the Nail Gun, in the Library.

Seems that the A/C installers ran the coolant line up against the floor joists in the basement, so when the new hardwoods were nailed down on the floor above, a nail pierced the line, and all the coolant blew out. Probably, all at once, but the nail gun air compressors were so loud it was probably not heard. And that was in the dead of winter, and the A/C hasn’t been on since.

3 hrs labor + 2 x coolant refill (1st to find the leak, 2nd after it was fixed) + callout fees = wood floors more expensive than anticipated.

I’d call the installer and see if they will reimburse you for that, since they caused the damage. If they’re a reputable company (licensed/bonded/what-have-you) this sort of thing is probably covered under their company insurance. I’d also check with your homeowner’s insurance company. They might also cover it and then recoup from the installing company.

[NB: I am not an insurance agent or a lawyer.]

The A/C installer might be at fault for installing too close to the floor, which may not be standard just for this kind of reason; or the flooring installer may be at fault for not checking if there was anything underneath that could be damaged. It’s hard to tell but maybe you should let each of them know separately and see what they say.

Lsat? :wink:

I shouldn’t laugh since Lsat could mean Last Document in some places… or Least soulless asset today.

And I am sure you have heard many other defenses as weak as that.

My rant for the day: did an 8 hour fast blood test and have to go back in 4 days. When I know that facility can do a check in 30 minutes since the last time they did the test that is what they did.

Sure, the place is only about 15 minutes away… but it’s another office visit that hubby’s insurance and then mine gets billed for when they could just have me sitting until it is looked at.

There are a zillion reasons I’d never want to be president, but the way they set things up for his physical is a stellar plus. Imagine NEVER waiting. Every piece of equipment, every doctor, is ready and waiting for you as you zip-zip-zip through each stage.

(The other big plus is Airforce one.)

I hereby pit my own self for being a crappy typist. :stuck_out_tongue:

A co-worker has one of the most annoying laughs I’ve ever heard. “a - HEYAH!”
Always very abrupt. I’m about ready to chop off her sense of humor.

People are complaining that Burger King’s new TV ad triggers your Google Home device to continue running their ad after the TV ad ends.

But, on the bright side, it gave us this.

Fskin’ brilliant.

I’ll trade your co-worker’s "a - HEYAH! for “ooooooooooo-HOO-HOO-HOO! oooooooooooooo-HOO-HOO-HOO!”

Bonus: this co-worker is also a nervous laugher, so you’ll get the occasional “Ooooo-hoo-hoo! The customer has had a part failure, and needs this job expedited immediately, or their plant will be shut down by the government! Ooo-hoo-hoo-hoo!”

[del]I have been on hold for 37 minutes now.[/del]

I was on hold for 40 minutes just to be told they can’t help me over the phone.

Anti-rant: Percy finally showed up this morning after 8 days, skinnier and sans collar, but otherwise none the worse for wear. We were all worried sick so are very very happy he is OK.

Mini-rant: Darn you Percy for worrying your family so much! If he were a teenager he would be grounded. I’m sure this is not the last time he will leave for a while, either. He clearly loves the outdoors here.