Are you a thread killer? I am, and here's proof

Huh…I always go about it just the opposite way…I look for the ones with the least amount of replies, since I know that once the thread hits page 2, there’s a 90% chance that someone has already A) made the point I want to make, or B) made the wise-ass comment that I want to make.

This thread is doomed I tell you! DOOMED!

(my bolding)

Of course, that means that the Mods probably have the best threadkilling ratios…


This isn’t dead yet?
Here, let me be the stake through the heart.

36/222 which is about 16%

I never knew I was so good at answering peoples questions :slight_smile:

Actually it’s 11%…guess I’m crap at math too.

No, you had it right the first time…it’s a hair over 16%.

Why didn’t I make round two? :stuck_out_tongue:

Can do! :smiley:

Guys. Think long and hard - I mean it - before you post to this thread. We don’t want another four-million-post behemoth. Threads like that rip apart your soul and eat your children.

Just let it go. Let it go…

You all have it wrong. I’m the real thread killer here, unless it’s a game.

I’m so good at killing them, my own don’t even get off the ground.

Now watch, nobody will reply to this after I do.


I can kill this thread in nine words.

Surely Ujest!

A bad pun = on the road to it’s last twitches.

Stick a fork in it.

I’ve been watching this thread with amusement, knowing full well that I am, reluctantly, the Threadkiller with a capital T. And since I am, I’m sure a mod will lock this thread down quite soon after my 35th post (which should occur at around…oh… page 14).
Ignoring the fact that I won the last threadkilling contest, I’ll be back in a few to give you my most immediate credentials. :slight_smile:

Well, my mistake. I only killed three out of my last 50: one where I got a post in just before it was closed by a mod, and two back-to-back a week ago. I’m not a threadkiller after all!!! That’s great! Hey, everybody! Post in this thread! I don’t want to have to call you by name, but every Doper Brat should definitely respond!!!

MY problem is, my contributions to each thread I post in are so astonishing to others, that it generally takes them a couple of hours to post after me, to allow the brain to recover from the shock. So I assume the thread is done and move on, never suspecting that everyone is waiting for me to log off the 'net so that they can talk to each other without my inane interruptions.
Hello? Anybody there? What are you doing, listening to John Kerry? O, well, I’ll just go away now. I’m sure no one will be posting in this thread for a while. Move along, nothing to see here. :innocent whistling: :smiley:

I could’ve used you for my “WARNING for the guys” thread. :slight_smile:

So sorry I’m late.
Maybe I should do more vanity searches. :stuck_out_tongue:

cheer up! It’s not all that bad, really!

Don’t look on yourself as a thread killer - think of your last posts to each thread as so absolutely brilliant that you left all other dopers speechless.

The up side to this is that you are always the person to get the last word on a subject.

I’m running about ten percent myself (29 of 293 by my count). I thought that was a little high but maybe it’s just about normal. It’s not like I try though… just happens.

It doesn’t bother me anymore when I kill threads with a regular reply to the OP. But several of my thread killing posts are questions about something mentioned in the thread.