Are you a thread killer? I am, and here's proof

No one even replies to nearly 5% of the threads I start – 21 out of 448 threads since November of 2001 got no answers.

Did y’all hear something? Oh well, I guess it was nothing.


10 of the last 75 threads that I’ve posted in (and 7 of the last 500) died the moment I’ve posted.

Oh yeah, and for a more general stat, I’ve been the last poster in 16 of the last 100 threads I’ve posted to – 16%, people.

Personally, I believe it’s because I deliver the most authoritative answer. ;j

I don’t know what my threadkilling stats are, but they’re about to go up…

I dunno if this will really last…“AYATK?IAAHP” just doesn’t have nearly the same ring to it.

Sounds like something from Bill the Cat. :stuck_out_tongue:

No sign of life for four days. Oh yeah…I’d have to say it’s dead now.

<walks away, whistling innocently>

Woah…déjà vu

Just when I thought I was regaining my sanity…
I’m stubborn, but Great Googly-Moogly I give up!

:smiley: you’re, right! It is like déjà vu!

You forgot ugly, lazy and disrescptful!

(off to make a turkey pot pie) :smiley:

That’s “disrespectful”! :smack: squared.

Goddamn I need to learn to preview. self - :wally

Psssst! Hey SiXSwordS! It’s your line…c’mon! It starts with “This has worked in the past…”

Oh well…a preview just showed me that that joke is out the window. :smack:

Did I call it, or did I call it? :cool:

Bad Hal, bad!


I pulled down the shades, put on some soft music and tried to think. The insurance money could be mine so easily, it seemed, but there was that one problem, always floating in front of me, taunting me relentlessly. No money, it said, No money until I’m dead and buried. I tried in vain to think of a solution - poison? A hired hitman? Strangulation by telephone cord? These had all failed me, and nothing was left.

I will never collect my insurance money, because Thread will not die.

I wasn’t talking about you, I was talking about the OP. :wink:

Damnit…I was so caught up in making my earlier post, that I didn’t even really pay attention to the content of yours. So allow me to make the post that I most certainly should’ve before:

Shut up, bitch!


: coughs all over thread in an attempt to give it bronchitis :
That oughta do it. :dubious:

Not harmless, anyone but harmless

BTW, hope you’re OK, harmless. The thread must have gotten anti-biotics. :slight_smile:

Good thing I’m already dead…this would’ve killed me. :stuck_out_tongue: