Ass sex, lying, and my first rant.

I know we aren’t going out. I know I don’t have girlfriend jealous rights. But why must you lie about having ass sex(with girls)? I don’t care that you have ass sex, I care when you lie about it. I care when you ignore me. I care when you know I’m pissed at you and you act like everything is fuckin’ peachy. I care when you ignore me more. What I do not care about is ass sex.

How could you not care about ass sex?

It boggles the mind.


For reasons I’d probably better not explore, the term “Ass sex” makes me think of two people standing back-to-back, desperately rubbing their bare buttcheeks together trying to get off without any other stimulation.

Ahh, yes, but how COULD I care? We aren’t going out, he’s free to rail all the female asses he chooses.

Yes but do you like ass sex?

ass sex ass sex ass sex ass sex ass sex ass sex

oh I’m sorry…I thought this was a contest

I think “buttsex” sounds better.

Buttsex buttsex buttsex buttsex

See? Now you have a nice crisp consonant at the end of the first word snuggled against the curves of the “s” beginning the second. Ass sex is harder to say for me. Too many sibilants. Makes me lisp.

hmm…I see your point racin, but let’s consider something else completely and that’s: ‘tunneling for gold’ or perhaps ‘rectal plugging’.

Seems using ass and butt and the ever boring ‘sex’ is just…passe


well if you aren’t ‘going out’ (geez that sounds quaint)and you are not the girlfriend, ummmmm doesn’t he have a point? OK he shouldn’t lie but should he have to tell you where he puts his dick?

And if you need to know from the POV of safe sex, well I’d be looking for another fuckbuddy.

ridin’ the hershey highway, how about that one?

Let’s back up a moment.:smiley:

Firstly, how does VGT know that Ass Sex-having Person (AShP) is lying? Next, if VGT is not actually involved with AShP, why is this a major concern? Perhaps AShP simply does not want to share every detail of AShP’s sex life. Finally, has VGT actually made the source of her anger known to AShP, or is she simply assuming that AShP knows what this is all about?

psst fleshyboy?

I think you’ll find that most of us have heard them already. OK mate? If all you have to contribute is some tired old euphenisms, then silence would become you greatly.

Yeah I figured most of them have been heard, I had heard all on that list. Oh yeah and fuck off.

Ass, ass, ass as much as I like.

Sheesh, If people could only realize ::shaking head:: …most of the world’s problems can be solved with just a little ass sex.

Um, can I get an AMEN!?

C’mon folks


AMEN !!!

Silo, you know what I always say…it’s the buckeye or it’s nothing.


Wooo! :smiley:

Because he gets drunk and tells me. Ass sex isn’t the concern, lying is the concern. Assman doesn’t need to tell me every detail of his sex life. Nope, I haven’t. I think the problem isn’t ass sex at all, the problem is he’s a 20 year old male and I think that makes everything understandable.

As for safe sex, who said I was having sex with him? I’m not.

Goodness me. Umm so what precisely is the problem here?