Back to the grind in the MMP

I slept in till 9:00 this morning! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: I was tired. I needed it.

I don’t remember if I mentioned it here, but I passed page 100 of my Continuing Epic yesterday. :smiley:

Skritchies to Louie and hoping many more bags ofndog food will be needed.

I’m not rich either, but there’s always Wednesday. I skipped heathenization this morning because I’m fighting this nasty cold that I brought back from Indiana. The only places I’m going today are the grocery and pharmacy. I do have a nice pot of beef vegetable soup started though.

I know the feeling except for us the shooting have been more around the house rather than work. But I worry just a little every time Herself walks out the door.

Home from deheathenization. We stopped and got burgers for N.O.L. I made some slaw last night and had kinda thought about doin’ chili dawgs for N.O.L. but OYKW had a gnawin’ and a cravin’ for a burger. Thus chili dawgs for dindin tomorrow. Win-Win! :smiley:

I foresee nappage in the near future. I feel somewhat sleepified.

Got new running shoes; have now done two runs in them…compromising three states. That’s a rarity!

Awake-ish. Game plan for today is deheathenate, then it’s flexible.

Here is a [URL=“”]Facebook link; I don’t know if it will work or not.

Very nice, rosie!

I have made biscuits, done laundry, and cleaned the kitchen. I think this will be a lots of little things day for me too. More laundry, switch out my son’s bed frame (it is broken), some shopping so the dogs can eat, and I need to install the water filter under the kitchen sink. I still need to finish re-arranging my closet too. :smiley:

**red **- GMTA - I’ve got a pot of veggie beef soup starting too. Plus 2 zip bags full of beef and broth for future soups. Triple yum!

We picked up the new cat box, plus we stopped at Bert’s and got our lottery tickets. We’ve decided that when we win, we’ll bulldoze this house and build a better one in its place, plus a workshop for **FCD **and a pottery studio for me. And we’ll get a herd of pugs, because we can, and we’ll hire someone to clean up after them. Oh, and we’ll pay off our VISA! :smiley:

I had to say that because when the lotto was new in FL, every time they interviewed someone about “What if you win?” they’d always mention paying off VISA. Cracked me up!

Yeah, I’m easily amused. Why do you ask?

That reminds me, I need to see if my credit card needs to be paid off. Though I’m pretty sure I haven’t done that much with my credit card lately, seeing as the whole fraud thing happened and I’ve been a bit scared to use my card much since then.

I think I’ll take out the alto clarinet tonight.

I have made the executive decision not to go to the Rosary/Visitation at the funeral home. I am sniffly and have blown my nose approximately fifteen bazillion times this afternoon. No fever so maybe it’s just a sinus thing but I don’t feel like gettin’ out. So here I sit in sweat pants, tshirt and my comfy robe.

Too much thyme in the soup, dammit. Is there anything you can do, short of doubling all the other ingredients, to mitigate the overwhelming flavor? Plus I forgot to put a bay leaf in. Dammit.

But still, it was pretty good soup. Guess what I’ll be having for lunch all week! :smiley:

It worked. We live in interesting times - in the old Arabic curse sense of the phrase. Here are a couple of ours if these links work.

With the WVa panhandle so close, you could probably do that here in about 3 miles. :wink:

Or in less than 2 miles here.

FCD’s lunch is packed for the next 2 days. When the soup cools enough, I’ll pack my lunches. Meanwhile, the dishwasher is washing. Thus endeth the weekend…

I believe that mushrooms (fresh, not creamed soup) suck up flavor.

You need to move and Mrs. Plant needs a job in another neighborhood.

Interesting how the LR cop shot, pursued, told other guys what was going on and then asked for medical assistance. :slight_smile:

Home, watching the Packers play. The Viqueens lost.:smiley: Sorry, Ruble*

[sub][sub]*not really.[/sub][/sub]

**FCD **is cheering the Redskins’ loss…

Time for Galavant. MWAH!