Being someone's exact physical type - win or skeevy?

As the other guy in the thread so far, I’ll echo this. With some adjustments.

Men are more visual than women when it comes to mate selection. I have a size / shape / color profile of women I prefer. Somebody outside those (rather loose) parameters has no chance of attracting my interest. That doesn’t make me a fetishist about the parameters I prefer. It makes me a man.

You (presumably) have preferences for male mannerisms, smells, behaviors, attitudes, or whatever. And maybe for looks / shape / color too. Men lacking those particular attributes are off your list before you begin. That doesn’t make you a fetishist; it makes you a woman.

So that’s you and me. What none of us know is this guy you’re talking about. He may in fact be giving off a real fetishistic, or at least fixated vibe. That would be IMO a warning sign, not a stop sign. Unless he’s really giving off wacko-vibes in which case the stop sign applies.

Another mostly unrelated point:
The LDR thing is definitely unhelpful for getting a relationship started.

But it can also be a real nice “get out of jail free” card when the relationship has been tried but is going nowhere. LDR makes it easy to have a no-fault split over the logistics more than the personalities. And means the aftermath is easier; they won’t naturally be showing at your grocery store or hangouts just because they happen to live nearby or have friends in common with you. Rather the opposite; you two will never cross paths again either deliberately or by accident. Simple, sweet, and no-fault. Disengagement doesn’t get any easier than that.

This easy disengagement option being on the table says you can press ahead into the early stages of the relationship with more confidence and less fear. You already know the getting out will be unusually easy, so the risk of getting trapped in a mess is less, not more. At least in the early stages.

Here is a thread from last summer that may have some relevance for you. It’s a different set of specifics, but it’s about when & why subtle adverse hints turn into warning signs turn into stop signs. I suggest you read what those folks have to say about that situation and see how it might be applied to your situation. The OP in that thread also refers to an earlier thread that you might usefully review as well.