Call of Duty is quite amazing. I loved the beginning of your career as a Russian in Stalingrad, what an amazingly cool sequence. But I dunno if I would rate it too highly as far as a ‘war simulator’, due to the scripted nature of the missions and whatnot.
Operation Flashpoint is probably still the best (flight sim portions aside), and there is a healthy community out there cranking out the mods and keeping it interesting. OFP2 is still a ways off, though.
Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising is great. While I do have some quibbles with the game (only 4 60mm mortar rounds? I know why did they this, but it still cheeses me. Also, I’d like to see a larger selection of weapons, such as the FAMAS and whatnot), it is a great game, with wonderful graphics and sound, lots of play options (sneaky sniper? Grenadier? Medic? Air Defense?). Bit of a system hog, if you want the eye candy turned on, and some of the island maps are somewhat tedious, but I love this game. I play it more than OFP, and will probably do so until OFP2 comes out.
My biggest problem with Ghost Recon, and any of that series of games, is the ‘death pod’ AI. Doesn’t matter if the AI enemy has nothing but a measly pistol, he will bean your ass from 200 meters if he sees you. The engine works well in the Rainbox 6 series, IMO, because of the closer ranges, but Ghost Recon just didn’t grab my attention.
Stay away from Soldner like the plague; It’s a neat concept, poorly impemented.
Dang, I gotta spark up some OFP now…
America’s Army. It’s free and it’s good; what more could you want? I don’t play it much because IL2 Sturmovik and Hearts of Iron take up most of my game time, but it is a neat game. Well worth the download, if you are on broadband.