Best one line pick up lines (for getting women)

There is the cliched “wanna beep” but i think somethign more subtle is in order.

My personal Favorite is (to a complete Attractive stranger)

“You smell nice, what are you wearing ?”

I find this works very well. Any others ?

“Wanna f***?”

I think we’re in the wrong forum…:wink:


“nice legs, when do they open?”

Whoops, I’ve seem to have dropped my huge wad…of cash.

Introducing myself often got good results. Could just be me, though. :smiley:

Hi, my name is UncleBill, and if you’d like to get some later on in the evening, I’d love to be there with you. I’ll be over there by the pool table if you’d like to chat more on this.

“How was your day?”

Non-threatening, invites conversation.

We can do this the hard way or the easy way…

“Do you taste as good as you look?”

How much for ‘around the world’?

Here’s a whole column on the topic:)

Hi, I noticed you while I was sitting over there with, uh, my cousin’s wife and kids. Can you loan me five bucks?

“I’m incredibly wealthy.”

Wrong forum, but I’ll play…

  1. “I see you already have a drink, can I buy you a coaster?”
  2. “Someone must have taken the stars from your eyes and put them on my ass, cause something’s burning down there.”
  3. “If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d leave it the way it was. I hated school.”
  4. “Do you have a quarter? I told my mom I’d call the moment I fell in love, and when it was curfew.”
  5. “You with those curves and me with no car.”
  6. “The best thing about having a twin bed is you can’t get too far away.”
  7. “One man’s kiddie pool is another man’s jacuzzi.”
  8. “For the love of God, please leave with me!!”
  9. “Sex is so special, like two pizzas for the price of one.”
  10. “That skirt looks good on you. Know what else would? My shaw.”
  11. “If being with you is right, I don’t wanna be left.”
  12. “Excuse me, do you have a minute? Cause that’s all I need.”
  13. “Do you want to see something? Smiley faces show up in the funniest places.”
  14. “Is that your perfume? It reminds me of a hot diaper.”
  15. “I thought only slutty girls hung out here.”
  16. “Wow, you’re tiny. That outfit would fit on one of my dolls.”
  17. “Is your house hard wood floors or carpet?”
  18. “My name is ______, but most of my friends call me Shitter.”
  19. “I can prove I’m a virgin.”
  20. “I know I smell garbage.”
  21. “Virginity!! Get yer red hot virginity here!!!”
  22. “There’s something about good sex that makes me want to crap.”
  23. “I’ve always thought the term ‘hard-on’ was such an overstatement.”
  24. “I tell you, ass hair can really soften a fall backwards.”
  25. “The name is Bond, Gold Bond.”

I once polled a bunch of female friends on what the best pick-up line they had heard was and all of them agreed that the best results are to be had with what AWB posted.

Not very scientific I’ll admit so take it FWIW.

My all time favorite that I saw on the web somewhere was “You don’t sweat much for a fat chick.” Granted, I wouldn’t classify it as good for getting women, but I laughed like hell.

For more check

“Would you mind if I take a look at your program?”

Worked for me :smiley:

I hope you don’t have a firewall, because I want to access all your ports.
You haven’t felt anything until you have experienced my seek time and burst transfer rate.
Need a throughput check?
I will input if you will output.
I’ll put you on my table if I can be your primary key.
I would love to combine my intuitive and user friendly interface with your fine molded case and superior fit and finish.
May I demonstrate my point and stick interface.
Care to download my genetic code.
I hear doctors reccomend prostoglandin injections for the relief of stress. I can give you a free sample if you would like.

Can I put my tongue on you?
I overheard one girl say that to another,yeah she was gay…