big brother finale (spoilers, obviously)

so evel dick won.

nobody had anything too mean to say on live television, except maybe dustin’s ex, who basically said, “haha, i’m glad you didn’t win.”

and the revelation of eric as “america’s player” led only to some saying along the lines of, “i thought something was up, but it’s all good.”

still, for me, following the donatos from the eviction of dustin, was as exciting as “reality t.v” can get, up to their confirmation as the final 2.



Looked like Nick was awwwful friendly with Joe there…

Can Daniele be any more immature? Basically telling Dick, “You didn’t tell them to vote for meeeeee! That was so crappy!!!”

They lied during the America’s Player reveal. Or at least Eric lied and they didn’t correct him. He told Jessica that their relationship was all him and nothing other than the silent treatment was America. But the kiss and the woobie were AP tasks. Plus they didn’t tell them Eric managed to get $40,000 out of the deal.

Was Amber dressed by Edith Ann?

Actually…Eric kissed Jessica prior to the America’s Player task, was then given the America’s Player task of kissing her…and did it again, although much more half-heartedly (the subtitle, I believe was “Completed…barely”).

True about the woobie, though. Although he’d already started the showmance with her by that point.

  • I don’t know why they skipped out on mentioning that Eric made money by completing tasks. It seemed kind of a big part of the reveal to skip.

-I feel better for Zach when the group basically told him “You would have gotten all six of our votes hands down.” A small consolation but nice none the less.

-Looked like Nick was a lot more excited to see Danielle than she was to see him. I noticed her boyfriend who “planned” to marry her sometime was conveniently absent.

-I would have loved to see Julie Chen ask Mother Donato “How does it feel to be the mother of such a complete assholish jerk and the grandmother of a whiny little bitch brat that everyone hates?”

-Jen’s speech should have been “Since I loathe both of you and don’t give a flip about who wins I based my decision on flipping a coin.”

-I forsee Dick blowing through his $500K real fast, Danielle whining that he should give her a bunch of it, Nick not hanging around too long after having his way with Danielle and then realizing he can’t put up with the incesant whining, both the Donatos being broke again immediately sign up for BB Allstars 2 where they both get booted early on.

That’s not the feeling I got. Infact, Nick looked like he didn’t even want to be there. By now he knows what most people think of Danielle, and he’s had time to see the real her.
Danielle may have been holding back because of Amber’s remark about her behavior towards her boyfriend. It may have been the first time she actually thought about how that looked to us.

I was thinking the same thing. From the back, it looked like Joe’s chair was a little further back than Nick’s. So, maybe Nick put his arm back there to have a more comfortable conversation with Joe during the break. Or, maybe not.

Although I really hope this happens, I don’t think Dick is stupid enough to go broke even if his daughter begs and whines for the cash and stops talking to him another two years.

And did Danielle take vocabulary lessons from Mike Tyson? I’m ecstatic. Ecstatic is how I feel. The word to describe my feeling is: “ecstatic”.

Amber: … what does “ecstatic” mean?

Oh dear. Dick’s gonna’ travel the world. As if the world doesn’t already hate America enough.

And he wants to tavel the world “to get away from these people.” Couldn’t he do that just by going home? Unless he was refering to Danielle. :smiley: