Brainglutton and Lumpy, WTF is this?

Wait…I get it now!

It’s funny because Black people have big lips!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAaaaaaa…
Nope, still not funny.

Give him a minute to explain it again, I’m sure you’ll come around.

No, I got the blacks got big lips,as a work around for not mentioning skin color, I’m not clear why you think people whooshed.

No, because it’s a touchy subject and, if the joke doesn’t go well, it often comes off as actually being racist.

It’s kinda a Poe’s law of jokes: that bad jokes about racism and actual racism are generally indistinguishable. And since both racists and non-racists will defend themselves by claiming that it isn’t racism, that doesn’t help much either.

You’ve put what you really meant out there. Either people accept it or they don’t. Fighting only makes things worse.

FWIW, I believe you, as long as you don’t make a habit of these things. Brainglutton has made such a habit, though.

I don’t think it’s so much “one” cannot, as it is you, specifically, cannot, because you’re not very funny, and don’t know how to joke about racism without coming across as a racist yourself.

Right. Because Paul Verhoeven is so famously popular on this board. :confused:

Dutch. Nobody tells any jokes about them, now, do they? Not the Dutch, no, never them.

The Dutch national soccer team treated the entire Euro 16 qualifying stage as one long shaggy-dog Dutch joke.

The jokes weren’t funny. But the reaction is.

So, you think a joke in which someone riffs off the racist stereotype other people hold about him is the same thing as a joke that depends on the exact same racist stereotype?

Lumpy isn’t the comedian in this analogy. He’s the white woman in the fancy car.

I understand the jokes and the context in which they were intended, and even note the actual wit involved. The problem, as noted, is this:

This sort of thing isn’t just tiptoeing through a minefield; it’s tapdancing through one. If you’re going to try it, you’d better be a damn good dancer.

I have a Jewish friend who lost a major branch of his family tree in the holocaust (on both parents’ sides). I have told him some horrific nazi jokes and he laughed. I told him the jokes because I know he is a sick fuck who would find them funny.

On the other hand, neighbors of ours recently lost their prematurely born baby that never made it out of the hospital, yet lived about a month. The last time we visited with them I didn’t tell any dead baby jokes. And I know a few really funny dead baby jokes, not just the standards.

It’s about knowing your audience. Lumpy, you do not know your audience.

I predicted in my post that

And Lumpy, being predictable, wrote soon after:

I take no credit for any psychic ability, it was obvious.

Lumpy, consider this; even if Brain Glutton’s humor was moderately creative, it was a clear derail of YOUR thread, which up to then (and truth be told, is continuing now) to generate some interesting information, views and facts, and it fact both you and BG have made on-topic and cogent posts therein. And arguments, and there certainly were some, were conducted with as much interest in Light as in Heat–which is what I have become accustomed to in Great Debates.

So, when BG so obviously ‘shit in your punchbowl’, why did you feel the necessity of ‘doubling down’ the crudity and devalue whatever you wanted to accomplish in that thread? Do you have that little respect for your own threads? Do you care that little for what Great Debates means?

Have you no sense of dignity, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of dignity?
(slightly changed from the Joseph Welch version)

Do you know who ELSE are good dancers?

Speaking of shitty jokes.

I’m led to understand that the Fuhrer was a terrific dancer.

His dancing pants had more ballroom than most.

A bunch of losers on the internet?

The original thread had the title “rammed down their throat” so somebody made a cocksucking joke, is this really causing panties to bunch up?

I’m not saying it was funny but, ironically, a lynching hardly seems appropriate.


wait false alarm there is no lynching what a ridiculous metaphor

Maybe it’d help if Lumpy were to cast himself as the victim.

Like say, “As I was getting beat up by two black guys, I noticed they had full-sized lips…”

Since I’ve been Pitted too for making an offensive joke, I gotta defend Brainglutton and Lumpy. Bad jokes may be bad, may be offensive, but sheesh, they don’t deserve a whole new thread about them.

M joke didn’t involve race. It turns out there are a surprising number of people who are offended by the merest suggestion of pedophilia.