Pictures taken before my jazz concert last night …
So Brunetter… how you doin’?
Seriously, if you ever have need of a completely meaningless tawdry sexual incounter, feel free to call me… hehehe
If I was a lesbian, I’d do ya.
You know, the first guy I * ever * had a crush on was named Tristan.
That was about 15 years ago.
sigh Ah, the simpler life… ::snaps back to reality::
Meaningless and tawdry? Sign me up. Just how tawdry can you get exactly?
It’s difficult to really explain the depths of my tawdriness.
Let me draw you a picture…
Madame, you would be amazed, I assure you… at least, I hope you would.
HAve I mentioned that I’ve caused orgasms to the point of unconsciousness in 2 seperate ladies? ← oddly appropriate, that.
Sue, I am SO adding this to my sig!! Thanks for the vote of confidence.
Crunchy, nice to know I’ve finally got your attention after all these long months of lonely postings … I’ll be waiting for that picture!
Tristan, come sit over here…
:: revelling joyously in all the attention ::
Hell, I am married and I would do you. (As long as my wife can watch she says lovingly).
[sub]God I love my wife…[/sub]
sidling over to sit next to the lovely lady
So… Jazz huh? Wanna make out?
(there, I saved us billions of nano-seconds!)
If not, care to try some home-brewed cider?
And, if all that fails, care for a back rub?
(one of these has to work!)
Word of advice, Bru; stay away from Froggy. He’s got more on his plate than he can handle already.
And send those pics to the PP immediately. They’ll get you some attention, I’m sure.
Mmm nummy pics!
You’re gorgeous, Brunetter. If I was the sort to post to crush threads, I’d have you on my list.
(I guess this is one of those proverbial half-loaves which are better than none. Or something like that.)
Hey, Brunetter, old pal. If I was a lesbian I’d do ya too. Unfortunately, I am not. I’m a male. Guess we’re both out of luck.
Stunningly gorgeous and jaw-dropping, to say the least. When you showed them to me before, I was too taken aback to explain just how beautiful you look.
You were on my crush list. You’re still there, but now you’re also on my lust list.
Yay! (even if my grammar does suck!)
Gee… I have had a secret crush on Brunetter long before she posted those really HOT pictures…
But if I told anyone, I wouldn’t be a secret crush now would it?
Why do we even need to look at your pictures, Brun? I mean, if every male here does not already have a huge crush on you for your intelligence & wit- he keeps all his brains below his waist.
[french accent]Le grrrrrrrrr…[/french accent]
That’s french for “ooh la la”.
You are beautiful, Brunetter.
And I bet you WERE smokin’, too!
I notice the old homepage is having problems . . . or is it me?
Having seen better pictures than those, even . . . :le drool: