Bumper Stickers of the SDMB

  1. Pan fried?
  2. 1920’s style?
    3 _________?


Got pie.


Original thread here.

Bumper stickers:

I Pit Thee, I Pit Thee, I Pit Thee

Even If Jesus Existed He Still Wouldn’t Love You

My Other Car Was Moved and or Locked By the Mods

For a license plate, I’d honor my orientation and my most frequent SDMB typo type,


An Og fish. I don’t know what it would look like but it would be eating all the other fish.

Balderdash, sir! Tommyrot!

[license plate frame] Pronounced
[plate] TWRBLR
[license plate frame] mangrove

There is no God and George Bush sucks!

You can have my 1920’s style death ray when you pry it from my cold dead hand.

I’d have one with just a big D in the style of the W stickers Bush used in 2004. Believe it or not, I still see Bush stickers ion cars here in Texas.

Friend of Cecil Adams

Treadmills are irrelevant.

Give me Bacon Salt or Give Me Death!

Sweet. I killed that thread.

My Other Car Is In Your Living Room

you win the prize! That’s marvelous!

Ask me about the MMP


I’m nice, dammit!

okay I got one

I, for one, welcome our new ______ overlords

SDMB Rules!

Band name!

Ask me about my post count

My other car is an airplane on a treadmill

All your Web are belong to us

We don’t need no steenkin’ badgers

Mods are gods

Hate Bush? We (almost) all do.

Mackdonna handheld shoehorn butterhorse!