Bush, you're not at a frat party, you dick

Woah, she clearly looks very creeped out. Can’t help but wonder what cursing might have been heard had her microphone been on at the time.

I’m relieved to see that he didn’t pull her shirt up and kiss her belly.

I’m not talking about their personal relationship. I’m talking about protocol and decorum. I don’t think he “got along swimmingly” with Chirac when he insisted on referring to him as “Jacques.” I think it has to do with his domineering and egocentric personality.

Hell, maybe he’d love for others to refer to him as George when speaking officially. Doesn’t mean that it is appropriate.

So what’s your take on the massage? Does it look like “Angela” loved that?

[nitpick] Head of government. The German head of state is President Horst Kohler. [/nitpick]

I’m the idiot? Try learning what the discussion is about before making yourself look like a bigger asshole.

Do you actually think that’s what the people in this thread are complaining about?

:eek: Holy Crap.

Has he ever done that to the Queen?

Interesting typo… What message are you talking about?

My take is that Bush uses first names when he’s talking about things that transpired during meetings he had, or when that person is present. I’m not aware of him referring to world leaders on a first name basis if he’s talking about them in general, or in the hypothetical sense.

As a member of the US military in Europe, and working in a multinational environment, I’m often asked by other nations what I think about certain things the president has said or done. UGH. I always tow the line and give the standard replies which boil down to, at least in my case, “I have no real opinion” or at worst an excuse.

I’m not allowed to say anything against the president at work or in uniform. I understand that. I think its wise policy on the military’s part. But I resent it, I resent it because the president is making us all look like yokels from some trashy trailer park. I don’t particularly care that he said “shit”. No one should. Who doesn’t say “shit” every so often. Some of us say it multiple times a day. Thats no big deal since he was talking to Blair and didn’t know he was being overheard. But groping the German chancellor? Geez. Don’t you have to have skill at diplomacy to be president?

:rolleyes: He’s talking about a massage, not a message.

I don’t blame you for not clicking the link and seeing for yourself. Who wants to look at their President doing that? I’d honestly rather see a video of the elder Bush barfing - at least that was inadvertent.

There was no typo. I’m talking about him fucking massaging the fucking Chancellor of Germany at a fucking G8 meeting. What the fuck! So I messed up the first link. There are many others - check them out. He gave Merkel an unwanted MASSAGE. Creepy Guy type massage. Groped. Fondled. Unwanted touching. MASSAGE.

Have an opinion about the massage, now?

The point is that leaders shouldn’t act like that when they are in an official capacity. If you’re getting a Nobel Prize and the presenter was your best friend, would it be okay to clap him on the back and give him bunny ears while you’re at the podium? There are different rules for different social situations. George, Tony, and gang should save it for the after-summit pool party. (I can’t watch the video right now since I am at work, which is probably a good thing.)

The first names thing isn’t a big deal, though, unlike Georgy Boy’s assertion that the weak-ass military of Lebanon should just “deal with” a much stronger terrorist group on its lonesome. THAT I have a problem with.

My bad, it wasn’t a typo afterall! :eek:

Too bad she didn’t slug him. Wow, that’s one of the strangest things I’ve ever seen a US president do, diplomatically speaking. Bush sure can be an idiot some times.

Am I the only one who thinks she looks like Rachel Dratch in that video?

And Bush should know better.

Okay, let’s see. My last thread remotely about Bush was on 3/14/2006, and that was actually about Claude Allen, a White House advisor, chronically shoplifting from Target.

Before that, you have to go back to a thread on 9/8/2005, about FEMA using expert volunteer rescue personnel to distribute leaflets to find one that’s about Bush.

This makes me like reeder? A thread about Bush every four to six months? :rolleyes:

Is that Italian female porn star politician still going? Perhapse we can get her to give GWB a lap dance at the next big summit. It would probably do everyone some good.

As someone who voted for him (and still admits it), I found it appalling to see him doing something that would get me hauled into HR if I did it to a co-worker. And she’s the head of the German government (thanks, Frank). He has finally done something I can’t imagine his most rabid defenders finding an excuse for. They’ll probably surprise me.

On preview, Hentor, I wasn’t agreeing, just supplying the name to match the reference.

The first-naming isn’t really serious - anyone who deals professionally with Americans will long have adjusted to it and be aware that there’s no disrespect intended.

The groping, now - that’s personal not ethnic. Mrs Merkel is to be commended for not improvising an orchiectomy for him.

It has nothing to do with his cursing. I doubt if there has been *any * President who didn’t let loose with a scatological comment during his term of office. I do believe, however, that he should have been more cautious around a microphone in a public and televised meeting.

That was an unfortunate alimentary incident, and one that I’m sure that he regretted. I disagreed with Bush Sr.'s policies, but he behaved with suitable decorum in public, and I consider him to be a statesman. I don’t think that his son has the grace or intelligence to understand that he behaved crudely and inappropriately. I consider him to be a fool and a cretin.

I’m not sure whether that’s better or worse than embarassing himself at the press conference with the constant pig references. Oof! Definitely more creepy though.