Buy me a drink and get 6 hours of meaningless mind-blowing sex.

This topic occured to me today, or was it yesterday, whatever, at work. I’m a bartender. I work in a bar. I server customers. I notice a phenomenon. I notice a lot of men buying drinks for women. This seems strange to me. I have never done this. I buy drinks for friends, and partners, but never strangers as a way to impress them. I’ve never seen a man get anything as a result of buying a woman a drink. One time, I had my girlfriend at the bar. 6 different men bought her drinks. This amused me to no end.

So I’m wondering. HAve you ever bought a drink for someone you didn’t know before hand, and has this ever gotten you anywhere? HAve you ever been boughten a drink and did you do anything because of it?

Thank you for your time and support.

Add me to the list of men that strike out horribly after buying drinks for strange women. I’ve only done it once or twice and the women that recieved the drinks did not, I repeat, did not strip naked and offer themselves to me on the bar.

Maybe I should have bought them a real drink instead of a glass of ice water with a twist.

Have I ever had 6 hours of meaningless mindblowing sex with someone who bought me a drink? Yes. But that’s 'cause I was interested in 6 hours of meaningless mindblowing sex, not because of his deft way with a five dollar bill.

Buying a drink for someone you haven’t even spoken to, as a way of introduction, is creepy in the extreme. So is insisting on buying a drink for someone who has declined it.

But pratically speaking for some guys, it makes sense. “No women would be interested in me unless she was drunk. Anything I can do to help that along would be a good idea.”

What used to boggle my mind was when I would be sitting with Lola at the bar and men would send her drinks. I think our couple-ness is usually pretty evident anywhere we go so this seems even dumber and more pointless than buying drinks for a complete stranger.

I think it is because she is so unbelievably succulent that men feel they need to do this and in their efforts to get her attention they probably don’t even see me.

Rather than get all pissed off I should thank these guys for contributing to the 6 hours of gratuitious sex that happens afterwards…


Back in my single days, I once got promised 6 hours of mindless sex for drinks, but instead of being blown I got blown off. I met a girl on the street saying “Hey where’s a good bar {giggle giggle}?”
“Well follow me young lady.”
6 hours and 100 of my dollars later it was thanks for the drinks, bye. After sucking on my ears and grabbing my crotch all night. Oh, she was definitely a professional drink scammer and she saw me coming. Actually she didn’t see me coming, but you know what I mean.

Aww, scratchie! You trying to find out if buying me drinks is a good way to seduce me? You should know the answer to that already. :wink:

Anyway. I’ve spent my fair share of time in bars in the Boston area, and I’ve had many a drink bought for me. Not a single one got even a moment’s worth of meaningless mind-blowing sex. (Well, there was this one bartender, but that’s another story…) I dunno. “Here, let me ply you with alcohol so that you’ll find me attractive and have meaningless sex with me!” Nuh-uh. Not my style.

I just don’t know. I’ve certainly dated guys who bought me drinks, but if I had 6 hours of sex with everyone who did that, I’d still be working my way through the guys that bought me drinks in '89. On the bright side, I’ve spent many nights at the bar where I didn’t have to spend a dime.

I did meet my ex-husband that way. He bought me a drink. We’re divorced now, so take that as you will. As a side note, I refuse drinks from strangers nowadays.

I had some excellent sex once after buying this guy a drink. It was the first time I’d ever bought a beer in a bar. I didn’t realize I was supposed to tip until he mentioned it to me. We did it three times before I went home around noon the next day. Yum.

I got a girl to leave with me after buying her drinks, and I am assuming this would have led to sex considering her behavior, but I had a wreck on the way home, I had to send her on her way and wait with my car for the tow truck.

I’ve bought drinks for women before, but mainly got conversation from them, which now and then led to a later meeting and then down and dirty sex.

I’ve been in bars before with a girl friend and got up to go to the can and returned to find her with two extra drinks from guys. She gave one to me and we saluted the guys. I have knocked back drinks with a pretty and very friendly lady in a bar for hours and she progressively got more friendly until two slugs came in who knew her, offered her coke in their van and she wobbled off with them. I was pissed. When I left an hour later, I spotted the van rocking away in the parking lot. I don’t do drugs.

And that serendipity is why I always make sure I have plenty of coke on me…
kidding kidding… jeesh

Correct me if I’m wrong matt_mcl, but isn’t sex in the gay community quite a bit different from what the OP was referring to? It has always been my understanding that gay men go to bars SPECIFICALLY to meet other men, usually for sex. It has also always been my understanding that this is NOT the case with women, especially if they are in a group. I really am curious about this. Have my impressions been wrong all these years?

To answer the OP, I have never bought a woman a drink, and after reading this thread I never will. I have always suspected that guys who chase women in bars are mostly wasting their time. Now I’m sure of it.

Well, I’ve had some stellar sex with girls I’ve met in a bar. I’d say about half of them involved buying girls drinks. But before I give the wrong impression, understand that I’m not implying I got that great sex all those nights as part of a one night stand.

Typically the only way I buy drinks for a girl is after I’ve already started a conversation with a girl. For example, I’ll be at a bar and a girl will, more often than not, make her way up to me (I’m painfully oblivious to come ons, and never have luck when I’m trying to pick up), or at the very least we’ll both notice each other as we try and slide past each other in a crowded place. Once we’ve managed to break the ice somehow and the conversation seems to be flowing and we are clicking on some level I’ll frequently offer to buy her a drink.

It usually coincides with me needing a fresh one myself, so its not exactly a planned ploy to win her over. Also, when I’m a little bit nervous I tend to take alot of sips from my glass in an attempt to keep my hands and mouth occupied, so you can imagine that in these situations I get empty quick.

Anyways, the basic reason that I will buy this girl a drink is as something of a non-verbal expression to show that I’m interested in you, and I’m enjoying our conversation. It kinda says, “I’m getting a drink, and so that you don’t think I’m using it as an excuse to ditch you, I would like to bring you back one. Please stick around so we can find out where this all leads.”. Of course if I see that the physical chemistry is electric I’ll make sure to keep the drinks flowing, hey, I am a guy!

Long story short, yes I think “buying a girl drinks” has played a fundamental role in me picking up at a bar, either for something physical that night (even if it is just a tacky make out session in the corner) or else what later grew into a relationship of some kind.

On the otherhand, I’d definately never be that guy who “sends drinks over” to a girl as some kind of compliment or tacky come on. I can’t imagine I’d be interested in the girl who this actually worked on. Nor would I immediately feel the need to flash my cash in the first minutes of talking to a girl. Both tactics are painfully insecure, and listening to girls talk, they love to use these idiots for free drinks at expensive clubs. Even fairly modest, independant and non-shallow girls seem to be able to justify using guys like that, and to be honest, if the guy is dumb enough to fall for it, I can’t say I blame them.

In contrast however, I’ve seen girls doing the “drink slut” act all night at a club, walking around flashing tit and getting guys to buy their drinks all night. Usually they’ll simply ask for the drinks without even faking small talk. I’m never sure if these girls do it just for the booze, for the attention and power trip, or as a competition with girlfriends. Anyways, when a girl comes up to me playing this act I’ll soak up the flesh, mabye grab her ass, and when she point blank asks me to buy her a drink, I’ll laugh in her face. Yeah, I’m mean, but I’ll sleep fine in the morning.

Last week, while Anniz and I were on the cruise returning to Stockholm from Helsinki, we went to play some blackjack in the casino. She had forgotten her purse in our cabin, so she left me there for a few minutes to go back up to get it.

When she returned, she told me that a man she met on the elevator had offered to buy her a drink, telling her that she looked lonely.

Of course she was, she wasn’t with me that moment! :stuck_out_tongue:

Needless to say, she was flattered and amused, while I wanted to beat him up…

The only drink that would make ME have 6 hours of meaningless mindblowing sex with someone I wasn’t otherwise interested in would be a glass of platinum, with diamond olives.

For a second there, Eve, it looked like you said “a glass of plutonium”. And the only kind of person that would get ME into bed with would be a necrophiliac, for obvious reasons.

I was once offered oral sex if I bought beer for some teenage girls (I didn’t accept), does this count?
But in a bar, I have never bought any stranger a drink. I prefer to get shot down with the “wanna dance?” approach.

My brother, a musician, sings a song on one of his cd’s called “Bet She’d do me For Coke.” It’s about some guy who has spent hundreds of dollars buying drinks for a girl only to not even give him the time of day.

Welfy, I demand royalties.

Heh, you’d better ask my brother.

If you want to hear the song, just email me and I can send it to you.