Cake Day - A Sweet Treat in the MMP

Morning, mumpers! It’s 10c/50f with a predicted high of 14c/57f and cloudy. That would account for the mist and murk on my commute today then. Weather app says “Do we talk about the weather because we having fucking nothing else in common?” No, 'cos we also share TMI and talk about cake :slight_smile:

After last week’s baking extravaganza, what’s your favourite kind of cake? Mine is mincemeat cake, it’s really a rich fruit cake make with a jar of mincemeat. My mum used to make it for afternoon tea on Sundays, that was the highlight of the week!

And since this is the MMP where things never stay on topic, just wanted to say thank you for all the pics of your lovely homes/areas! So much nicer than where I live :slight_smile:

Robertson’s I assume.

Of course, only the best will do!

Good morning!

Got up, went to irk, got turned around at the door by a designated supe announcing an 0800 start time. Gee, thanks! I could’ve slept in a couple of more hours.

As far as cake goes, it’s a toss up between devil’s food with chocolate fudge icing and carrot cake with cream cheese icing. Both have to be eaten in quite limited quantities, but I’m game for most cake that doesn’t have coconut or copious amounts of red food coloring.

Stay safe and healthy y’all!

This was my first thought, too. Tho my Belgian SIL used to make an amazing cake with amazing frosting - her father was a baker and she learned well. Unfortunately, because FCD’s middle bro is diabetic (in denial, even then) she quit making that cake so I haven’t had it in eons. My daughter makes a super easy cake with devil’s food mix and cherry pie filling and lots of chocolate chips… OMG, I’m drooling!

Yeah, I like cake. Also agree with no coconut. Come sit by me, Red and we’ll talk cake. :wink:

It’s 30-freekin’-degrees here! So glad I brought my spiders in yesterday. The furnace actually kicked on because I didn’t have the fan for the pellet stove set high enough and most of its heat went up the chimbley, dammit! That has been remedied. When the sun comes out and FCD wakes, we’ll move the smoker out to the front porch and I’ll figure out how to cram a 17# turkey in there. According to the Butterball website, it should take 8-12 hours to smoke. So I’m thinking I’ll start it in the smoker, then finish it in the oven, because I don’t want to be out in the dark and cold waiting for the bird to be heated thru.

After lunch, I’ll fire up ol’ John Deere and the mulcher/vac and de-leaf the yard. Most of the leaves have fallen, and we got a good blow yesterday, so maybe a good many were blown into the woods… hey, I can dream!! Anyway, that’s the plan for the day - we’ll see how it goes.

But for now, caffeination and surfing.

Happy Moanday!!

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN I was a slugabed until seven a.m. :sleeping_bed: ‘Tis 38 Amurrkin out and clear with a predicted high of 63 and mostly N.O.S. for the day. A nice Fall day! No real huge plans for the day. Y’all are shocked, I know. We like bein’ retired sloth drains on society. Sup shall be red beans and rice in the slow cooker and cornbread.

I like cake. Probably my favorite is a white layer cake with the boiled chawklit fudge icin’. YUM! Also, German chawklit cake, coconut cake with an orange/lemon fillin’ between the layers, red velvet cake, and caramel cake. Heck, put a piece of cake in front of me and I will eat it up, except for fruit cake. ICK!

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, onward into the day! Rah.

Happy Moanday Y’all!

Good morning everyone.

It’s currently 31 degrees and cloudy (according the weather site), with an expected high of 50 around 2:00 pm and sunny skies. Temps will drop down to low thirties again tonight.

I like cake, but I can’t really say I have a favorite anymore. I like a New York-style cheesecake and I prefer most German cakes over American because American frosting is so damn sweet. I can bake the types of cake I like but haven’t in years. It’s just the hubs and I now, so the cake would just go to waste.

The only thing on the agenda today is work. Today was supposed to be an in-office day, but I am going to go down tomorrow so I can be there with the MPA. We need to clean out some stuff I want it to be a team effort. The old contracting officers left two hole cubes stuffed to the gills with files that they should have sent on to the national office. It now falls to both me and the MPA to clean up the mess. I’m less than pleased. On top of that, they left a whole bank of file cabinets that were also filled with files that in many cases should have been sent to the archives many years before I even arrived. I’m really sick of cleaning up years-old messes, but it needs to be done. The SD has set a goal of having the entire office cleaned up by the end of December. I think that’s an ambitious goal, given the years of crap that are built up. Many of the staff have gone full-time remote and left their messes. Another employee also left a huge mess, and somehow she doesn’t need to clean it. The SD agreed we (me and the MPA) would try to sort the files for her to disposition. I am pretty freakin’ pissed about that. I have an actual job, and it’s not house cleaning, especially other program messes. Nothing to be done, but get it done, especially since it appears I will be reporting directly to the SD in less than a month unless I get out of there first.

In a bid to help Polar a little more, we are trying CBDs to help with his joint pain. I already give him Rymadil which cost me $126.00 to refill last week. That’s for a month! Thank goodness he isn’t on additional prescription meds!

Well, onward with the day and another cup of coffee! I hope you all have a terrific day.

Mornin’ all! I was wrong, the snow did stick, it’s only a dusting, but there it is, sitting all white and threatening of being multiplied. Not a fan.

About to head to the shop to do some good. Mostly sanding and phone calls, so thrilling day.

Stay safe y’all.

Snowing pretty hard this morning in Big Minnie; we may get a couple of inches, perhaps up to four over the next couple of days. I think winter may have arrived. Gonna have to learn to drive in it all over again.

I like the moistness of carrot cake.

I know what each word means, but this sentence is nonsensical…

Are you not in a position to make the responsible parties clean up their own messes?

It’s not quite 8:30 here. Turkey bird is in the smoker. Turkey neck is simmering to make broth for soup that will likely be tonight’s supper. Dishwasher has been emptied and refilling has begun. FCD is on his way to check on his folks, then to the marina to arrange for our generator to be serviced/repaired/whatever. I will hop in the shower shortly, as I don’t want to spend the day in fuzzy robe and slippers. I don’t think any of the neighbors saw me outside dealing with the smoker, not that I care. But regular clothing is the better choice.

Man, that’s a lot of adulting so early in the day…

FCM, the program areas have been directed to clean up their messes, however, there are some big messes left behind by other programs which no longer have a presence in our office. It falls upon me and the MPA to make it happen. Also, the SD runs the show and this is her directive. I don’t report to her at the moment, but it’s my job to support the SD and her requests, as long as their legal and ethical. I don’t really have a choice in the matter. The new Deputy hasn’t even officially started, and I already know that he’s going to drive me nuts based on the requests coming from him. I do not report to him at all even under the projected reorg that takes place next month.

Additionally, I noted that some program areas merely shifted their mess from one location to another, and I plan to chat with the SD about that. They need to completely clean their mess, and if they don’t it’s on them to explain why they didn’t follow the directive.

Got it - so you’re not just being nice, dammit. You’re stuck. That sucks.

OK, I’m dressed in mainly adult clothing - sweat pants and a t-shirt. I have no plans to go anywhere so I intend to be comfy.

Morning all. Well, the sore throat is gone but the coughing and stuffy nose linger on; pretty sure it’s just a standard head cold, but I’ll wear a mask when I go out for my shoppin’-n-sammich today and skip my gym trip, so medication and slothage will hopefully do their magic. It’ll be above freezing today (high of 55F) but rain is due tonight and tomorrow. At least that gives me a good excuse to stay inside.

As for cake, I don’t eat it all that often, and usually stick with the basic chocolate layer cake when I do. I don’t care for PF Chang’s menu, but the “Great Wall of Chocolate” is worth visiting them now and then: The Great Wall Of Chocolate - Dessert | P.F. Chang's

Taters, hope the clean up job isn’t too onerous; sounds like that place is slowly getting worse, do you have any options at other places?

FCM, I’m in pajama bottoms and a sweatshirt right now, the only change I might make is to replace the PJ’s with sweatpants. And I go out to get mail/check things dressed like that and haven’t been arrested for public indecency…yet…

Cookie, VanGo, I might see snow here once or twice and probably in Jan/Feb. So there is that to like about the South.

red, does that happen often? You mean they won’t let you come into work early? Weird place.

Boofae, thanks for the start and I’m sure your place is nice because you live there…

OK, onward into the week. Dristan and Day-Quil plus a pocketful of Vicks cough drops are the planned treatment for today.

Take care all.

My all time favorite cake is yellow cake with chocolate frosting. I don’t think I’ve mega cake I didn’t like. Even fruitcake. I love good fruitcake, but not that cheap stuff from the grocery store. Think Harry and David fruitcake. Or Collins Street Bakery.

It’s sunny and cold, like 20F. Ursala Kitteh is sleeping on the heat register.

ive not eaten a cake i didn’t like even crabcakes and the like …although I’ve seen a spinach cake that there’s no way on hell is even being made in my presence

Wifey, RN just informed me that one of her patients died. It was expected. We loaned his wife our Jeep a year or so ago when her vehicle’s rear window shattered and it would take a week to get it repaired.

Ummmmm…hello. My name is silenus, and…I don’t particularly like cake. I mean, I don’t hate it or anything, but I’d rather have pie. If the only option for dessert is cake, I’ll usually just pass on dessert completely. Cheesecake is a pie, so it doesn’t count.

My head is bloody but unbowed. On this hill I shall make my stand. “Resolved: On balance, pie is better than cake.”

Good morning, Mumpers! My favorite cake is German chocolate, but I like all kinds, including a good homemade fruitcake. (Good=no candied citron, which has the consistency of pencil erasers and the taste of Pure Nasty.) I like caramel cake, but to me, a yellow cake with caramel frosting does not qualify as caramel cake any more than a yellow cake with chocolate frosting is a chocolate cake. I am sure the South will rise up and scoff at me, but there it is.

I dreamed last night that I somehow came into $10 billion. The very first thing I did was meet with Gates, Buffet, Musk, Murdoch, the Koch brother who’s still alive, and I can’t recall who else and convince them to work on climate change. Murdoch and Koch refused, but we threatened to pants them or something, so they capitulated. I had a list that included funding to fight racism and for RAINN and to buy the Straight Dope and fund it in perpetuity, but somehow my second priority was to buy back the Beatles song rights from the Jackson estate and give them to Paul McCartney. I was meeting with Sir Paul when I awoke.

Since I still can’t lift much weight, I may go on a long walk today and skip the gym. I also need to run an errand and do laundry, plus order b-day gifts for my sister and daughter, who share a birthday. (My son was born on my brother’s birthday.) I’m getting them necklaces with their names on them in Mom’s handwriting.

quietly, my son-in-law shares your preferences, though he’ll reluctantly eat cake if there’s no pie. We love him anyway.

taters, ugh on having to deal with the messes. Do you keep getting stuck with this because you’re so good at it? I really hope the CBD helps poor Polar. Please give him a few extra scritches from me.

flyboy, I’m sorry Mrs. LA lost another patient. I know it was expected, but it still can’t be easy.

hippie, stay safe in the snow.

MetalMouse, hope the ick clears up pronto.

BooFae, thanks for starting the new MMP.

I love a jelly roll-type spongecake rolled up with jam or lemon curd in the middle. I have to make it myself, though, as I never see it in a bakery. The recipe is in my old Joy of Cooking.

Second favorite is Japanese “jiggly cheesecake”. This is another one that’s hard to get - you have to go to a specialty bakery for them.

A fitting topic for World Diabetes Day. My mother used to make my favorite cake, a Genoise cake with apricot filling and coffee buttercream frosting with slivered almonds. But I don’t mind a moist chocolate cake with raspberry filling, either.

Speaking of cakes and diabetes, I’m halfway between Ozempic injections 1 and 2. It’s gone pretty well in terms of side effects. Last night we were working on a puzzle (looking down through reading glasses) and I had a short episode of acute nausea, but sitting in a recliner with an ice pack behind my neck cleared that up in about 30 minutes. I have a mild chemically taste in my mouth and I’m not hungry, both of which I’m familiar with and have strategies for from chemo. Digestion is okay with some burping and transient mild heartburn, guts okay. Blood glucose feels okay but I don’t have a good meter at the moment. Weight down a couple of pounds, though this stuff is awfully diuretic in addition to decreasing my appetite, so we’ll see if weight loss persists. I’m hopeful that I’ll be able to tolerate this and it will work!