Can I be the only person stunned at just how badly President Joe Biden is doing?

Well? I like toast.

Are you an AI generating contentless statements?

If so, success. But if you’re a human, please bring some content and examples.

Still no facts or specific criticisms, just more vague assdribble ramblings about alleged symbolism.

Sure, he’s bad. But since everything is relative, he looks like a shining beacon compared to Trump.

Given the choice between food in the fridge gone bad, or eating sewage, I’ll take the spoiled food.

Analogy? What are you talking about?

You are a troll. And not an interesting one.

Yawn. That’s all the right has now, grand declarations and assertions without any merit and which they cannot explain or defend. They just make more assertions and declarations when asked for more information. If you have any original thoughts I’m interested, but just incessent repetition of what you see on right wing media and social media? Boring and lame.

OK, why?

Actually, the closest analogy is that Trump shit the bed, and it’s taking Biden a little too long to change the sheets.

Could Biden be vulnerable to a primary challenge in 2024, from Harris, from the left (Sanders, Michael Moore) or the right (Bloomberg)?

Yeah, could be. Seems unlikely.

So, back to the topic of your own fucking thread, care to elaborate?

Could you stick to one fucking point and actually defend it? It’s right wing propaganda pinball in here.

Biden managed the last primary very well.

Please tell us about the complaints of those folks outside of this forum.

Speaking of popular entertainment, here are some examples of other questions that our learned friend the OP has asked us in the recent past.


Michael Moore

Justin Trudeau [why no resignation?]

CHealy7 is just asking questions, y’all.

What is the equivalent “disaster” that Joe Biden is involved in that causes you to call up the Challenger explosion?

Why do you have such difficulty communicating?

You probably didn’t mean to, but you picked the perfect analogy!

America is the train. trump failed to follow safety rules, started up the train and symbolically jumped off like an idiot because he, and he alone, was the only one “smart” enough to think jumping off a train to swing a switch (prohibited by those damn liberal safety regs) was a good plan.

Now the train is running amok through, well, America. The train is full of grain, representing the breadbasket of america; oil, representing America’s industrial might; box cars, representing America’s infrastructure; and tankers full of toxic chemicals, representing America’s trumpist racism and idiocy, ignorance, violence and everything wrong with this country.

Now Joe Biden, he’s represented by Chris Pine. Joe didn’t listen to those idiot “advisers” that said “just derail the train”, and “we can handle 50000 deaths, no problem.” No, he acted decisively and like the true hero he was, risked death under train wheels to jump aboard to take the controls and stop the train before America became a burning pile of toxic train wreck.

And Denzel? He represents Kamela, the sure hand backing up the president, but still ready to take the risks if necessary.

Makes me proud, proud! to be an American! :cry: :star_struck: :us: :us:

Thanks for digging those up. I was unaware of just how fucking useless this poster is. I’ll probably grab some popcorn for this thread, but I’m out.

From Harris? Doubtful, IMO. She’s the sitting Vice-President, and probably content to stay in that role in 2024, assuming Biden runs for a second term. I’d look for her to run for President in 2028, though.

Anyway, I’m out of popcorn. Gotta make some more.

If even the President’s opponents can’t come up with even one bad thing he’s done, then I’d say that’s evidence that he’s doing very well indeed.

I have a question for @CHealy7: Why the idiotic trolling??