Central NY DopeFest?

I’m almost certainly not going to be coming north again until late October or early November, so I’m out of the picture on this one. But do keep me in mind when/if you continue to plan this stuff.

OK, so how about September 12 at Stewart Park? They have pavilions in case of rain, but I will have to call to find out if they’re open for public use. What time of day is good for people?

Elenia28, if you know how to get to Rt. 13 into Ithaca, then you just have to watch for the Stewart Park exit. It will be right in front of you when you get off the highway. Will check out the location to give more specific location details.

AFAIK, anyone can bring anyone they want, SOs, kids, friends, whoever.

Hmmm…let me go check Mapquest to find out how far away Ithaca is from SN…almost five hours. I probably can’t do it, then, not if it’s the 12. I have to work that Monday, and I don’t want to get back to my place real late.

Would Saturday, September 18 be better for people? bouv, could you do it then?

New date possibility: September 18, folks. Booker57, Terminus Est, and I think we can make it (still waiting to hear back form TE, but he lives right here). Any takers? Anyone? Bueller?

A Saturday is MUCH better than a Sunday. I can’t say for certain, but me me down as 75% yes.

Last call-- if you are interested in this, please e-mail. So far the tentative list is me, Terminus Est, bouv, and Booker57. The more the merrier, but this is the last time I’m going to bump this thread. Hope to hear from more folks soon, and those who have contacted me already will hear from me soon to firm up plans.