Charlie Sheen name change...

…to his birth name: Carlos Estivez. Hope it works out for him.

He’s gonna debut the name in Machete Kills. I know I’ll be watching. :cool:

Carlos Estevez (or Estévez).

Eh, he’s just trying to ride his brother’s coattails and take advantage of the family name.

I can see why he wouldn’t want to be associated with that awful Martin Sheen.

I’m pretty sure this isn’t a permanent change of his credited name.

The movie is about a Mexican character, most of the cast is Spanish or Latino, the director is Latino…it’s just a one-time gimmicky choice.

As if Mexican Americans didn’t have enough problems and negative stereotypes already. (I wonder if Martin Sheen’s children can speak Spanish.)

Meanwhile, Emilio Estevez has announced his name change to M. Channing Weintraub-Nguyen, III.

I thought he was changing it to Raymond Luxury Yacht.

::Tosses ball gently over home plate::

I can see why he wouldn’t want to be associated with that awful Charlie Sheen.

You can call your asshole your anus, but it won’t change what it puts out.

Reminds me of a recurring skit on the John Leguizamo Show where militant Hispanics would call up famous people and “out” them. They called Edward James Olmos and said they would tell the world he was Edward* Jaime *Olmos, and he said “Um, everyone knows I’m Hispanic.” “Yeah, now.”

Yeah, just like James Gandolfini’s kids should be expected to speak Italian and Billy Crystal’s kids should be expected to speak Yiddish and Michael Dorn’s kids should be expected to speak Klingon.

Who said “expected to”? Martin Sheen can speak Spanish (leastwise he has spoken it on various TV shows- some Gaelic as well), and it was his father’s first language. I have a friend who is Italian and taught her kids to speak Italian even though they grew up in Alabama, and I have a friend who is half Vietnamese has some knowledge of her mother’s first language. Sheen’s kids grew up in southern California with Spanish names and a father who could afford quality education, so it’s not at all unreasonable he’d want his kids to know the language as well. (Does Billy Crystal speak Yiddish?)

He could rip pretty well in Latin on occasion, too.

BTW, by speaking Spanish and Gaelic on TV shows, I’m referring to shows on which he appeared as himself.

As a Mexican-American, I ascribe Charlie Sheen’s faults to his evil gachupín ancestors. He is not my kind!


I blame the Irish Californian aspects. And Obama.

I debated whether to use a smiley. Guess I should have.

Did he stop to think about all the prostitutes he’s going to inconvenience?

Thank you. I’d claim it was early when I posted and hadn’t had my coffee yet, but the truth is I am just devastatingly ignorant and xenophobic.

I still think Charlie/Carlos is brilliant on screen. Even if he starts insisting his name be pronounced

“Throatwobbler Mangrove”

According to this, no, Charlie Sheen can’t speak Spanish very well, nor does he feel particularly attached to his Latino roots.