I’m gonna be visiting Sydney to see my girlfriend. Among other activities planned we’re hoping to have quite a bit of sex while I’m there. (I gave up trying to make that last sentence less crude).
The problem is that she lives with her parent, and I’m going to be staying with a friend who lives with his parents. Last time I was there we wound up spending a lot more money than I could really afford on hotel rooms. I won’t have a car to go to (my car’s a gas guzzler, gas for the 2 day drive is more expensive than a place ticket), and I feel uncomfortable making out in a public place (restrooms, at the movies, closed malls) much less doing anything else.
Can anyone help me think of some places we could go that would be private and hopefully cheap?
I’d suggest a church but, Mr. Moto would freek out!!!
This is, of course, the problem teenagers have had since the dawn of time. Odds are you’ll just have to wait until someone’s parents aren’t home or be really sneaky (probably better to risk being caught at friend’s house, than her house). What else can you do? Rent a car? Rent a storage space? Find a park with some really secluded areas?
The sad thing is that I’m not a teenager (and neither will she in a few months). She’s just got really puritanical parents – they found out that her little sister was sleeping with her boyfriend and the wedding’s in December.
I was going to suggest a nice quite little picnic in the woods off the main trail. But in Sydney? Don’t think so.
Does she have any friends who are out on their own who might be willing to lend you both their place for awhile?
God I’ve so been there! My boyfriend and I had that problem all summer (home from college). Luckily, I have my own apartment this semester. No more troubles!!! The best thing we could ever do was find high schools with hidden parking lots (but again, that was during the summer when school was out). Good luck man, I’m feeling for ya!
How about camping, knock some booty while your in nature’s splender.
Just make sure you don’t do it in a church, hate for you two to end up in jail, no privacy there.
How about camping, knock some booty while your in nature’s splender.
Just make sure you don’t do it in a church, hate for you two to end up in jail, no privacy there.
What about her friends houses?
My friends and I have reached an understanding with each other about this sort of thing. We have a “diet pepsi” rule: If someone comes over with their girlfriend and asks for a diet pepsi, we take off and leave them alone. Why diet pepsi? Because everybody within my peer group hates diet pepsi, and would never ask for it under any circumstances. Oh, and when we want someone to be gone a LONG time, we ask for “Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi”
Find Real Estate agents who will give you the keys to rental properties if you leave a deposit. Pretend to be looking for somewhere to rent.