This is the first time I’ve ever Pitted someone, but it’s been bothering me. In this thread about defecating (Oh hell, this is the Pit, make that “shitting”) in public restrooms, **Chris Luongo said
A question for you, sir. If you consider shitting in a facility made for it “inconsiderate”, what do you consider insulting a complete stranger? Personally, I’d consider it the action of a lout and a bully, but that is just MHO. I am genuinely interested in your answer because I still don’t understand how people can behave like that. If you did explain it somewhere in the thread, please accept my apologies and let me know. I may have missed it.
If anyone else out there has explanations or opinions, I’d love to hear them.
It was most definitely a bizarre showing. I think later on he backpeddled a little by saying it was only a couple times, and he knows it was mean but still pretty funny. But don’t quote me, it’s hard to read closely while you’re busy shaking your head at the thought of someone painstakingly checking a dayplanner to schedule his bowel movements.
It just occurred to me. He should probably know about this fine book. He could good-bye depression, and make his sphincter even stronger!