Confucious Say.....

I’m sure that every day, someone, somewhere on this board enjoys a delicious Chinese food meal followed by that after dinner delicacy - the fortune cookie.

I resolve (for as long as this thread survives) to post my fortune (grammatical and spelling errors included). Anyone care to join me?
On April 27/00, Confucious say:
Over self-confidence is equal to being blind.

From my latest meal of chinese takeout last week:

“You have an unusually magnetic personality”

ENFP Prayer: Dear God, please help me keep my mind on one - oh look a bird! - thing at a time

Don’t forget the amusing game of adding “… in bed” after each fortune.

For example, Ophelia’s fortune would read,

“You have an unusually magnetic personality… in bed” :slight_smile: Seems about right! :wink:

Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam.

“A baby in your lap may dampen your spirits”

Patron Saint of Newbies Who Don’t Expect Too Much Of the Rest of Us. Also Patron Saint of The Crappy Weather that’s been Sticking Around Swimmy’s Area Lately.
(Canonization courtesy of SwimmingRiddles)

“It’s not death I fear so much as leaving something so beautiful as life.”


Confucious Say: He who go out with flat-chested woman must feel low down.

Sorry. I’ll go now.

Take care.

I think Richard Simmons wrote this one;

“You will be a success in all you do.”

 It was a big fat liar too!

If knowledge is power, then just call me PEPCO.

I have pretty strange fortune cookie story. Several years ago, shortly after ending a long term relationship, I was dating a woman who I really wasn’t very serious about. Actually we both were “on the rebound” so to speak, and weren’t really expecting one another to be much more than “transitional”, but we still enjoyed eachother’s company. Anyway, I remember going to a Chinese resturaunt with her one evening and of course at the end of the meal came the obligatory fortune cookies. She cracked open her cookie, read the fortune and just started laughing. I asked her what was so funny and she handed me the fortune. It read:

“He loves you as much as he can, but he can’t love you very much”.

Shortly thereafter we broke up. I still think of that as the fortune cookie that ended our relationship.

I feel much better since I’ve given up hope.

“That Wasn’t Chicken”

“smile if you like this fourtune cookie.”

That was the best of all time.

I have no digital watch

Confucious say:

Woman who fly upside down have nasty crack up

One of the few to be personally welcomed to this board by Ed Zotti.

Yours truly,

Confucious says-Man who makes love to woman on hillside not f**king on the level.

Man with hole in pocket can feel cocky all day - but man with hole in both pockets not feel too cocky.

Man making love in rowing boat is f**king too close to water.

Man who have orgasm in field of wheat is going against the grain.

Confucious say:

Man with itchy butt wake up with stinky finger.

Patron Saint of All Things Hot and Fiery …

I’ve performed a complete diagnosis of your car. It’s broken.

  • A Wally original!

Confucious say: Man who go through airport door sideways going to Bangkok.

Confucious say: Man with hand in pocket not crazy, just feeling nuts.

Confucious say:

You have a potential urge and the ability for accomplishment. (Urge for what I wonder!)

Life’s reward will be yours. (I’m still waiting…)

You are talented in many ways. (hmmmmmm, true, but how did he know that) :wink:
Several of you seem to have sex on the brain today. Hmmmmm. Wonder what that could mean???

Who? Me? No comment. :wink:

You are more than a human being, you are a human becoming.
Og Mandino

That’s my name, not a description. I am neither purple nor a bear. Okay, so I’m purple.<a true Wally original!>

I’ve heard this one from Woody Allen, but couldn’t locate the movie.(Anyone know it?)
You will be horribly mangled

Serial Poster Girl