Could I crash at your place for a while?

Dude, you are SO missing the point here. Besides, I’m too old to be crashing in the common areas at colege dorms (or slopeside ski time shares).

While I do appreciate the hospitality, it sounds like I might have trouble sleeping in the environment you describe.

Aside: if you don’t do something about those barbies, the next owners will think they’re yours. Just sayin’.

Let’s keep them out of this. You really wouldn’t put me up?

I got no problem with parrots and I’d be willing to clean their cages to help earn my keep. I used to have birds. Had nanday conyurs, sun conyurs, quaker parakeets, budgies, and a cockatiel. Lots of fun.

I’ll be there in…however long it takes to travel from Boston to Maryland. Your place sounds cool.

You want him to do the floors and installation naked?
Whatever, dude. It’s your place.

I got a few bucks for cheese and mousetraps, and I do windows.

Out place is a little small, but I can point out a nice park nearby. You’ll want to hurry, though because the rainy season will be here in June.

Thank you!

On the train it takes like seven hours to get to Baltimore. By car I think maybe eight or nine hours? By plane I don’t know because I’ve never flown it.

Let us know how and when you’re arriving. Meanwhile I’ll fire up the ice bucket and shaker! :smiley:

You know I would. I’ve almost brought homeless people home. :smack:

Wow! This sounds almost too good to be true! And only a day away from Boston! Hot damn! Bloody Mary time!

If you really want to visit, come on down! :smiley:

I wanna come visit you!!!

Oh, and we should have my couch moved in by then - large sectional with queen hide-a-bed. very comfy. Country livin so its pretty quiet - there are dogs but they stay outside. Who am I kiddin? One of 'em is practically a freakin horse (huge black dog named shaq)… occassionally a mouse or two sneak in but SO’s good about gettin the bugger. We both cook so you wont starve. Just do your own laundry & buy your own soaps (sorry, but all I have is the smelly good liquid soap). Keep your hands off my teenage daughter. Groping my SO is permited as long as I can watch, and maybe he’ll let you take out expenses in trade (heehee just kidding)

You can be my guinea pig & let me work my voodoo on you :smiley:

Texas is a decent place & not too far of a drive to New Orleans or Houston - even shorter to Dallas.

You come here and I’ll go visit Creaky :stuck_out_tongue:

So, you’d put me up at your place in the country, but on the condition I keep my hands off your teenaged daughter? Did I just wander into a travelling salesman joke?


Much obliged. What’s the over/under for being a lush? Six?

Dude, I’m confused. Is this a yes or a no?

:confused: (wooosh over my head)

over yonder is the meadow, wherest is thou meadow?

Oh, bonus points if you wear a kilt, play the bagpipes, and dont mind a midnight picnic & stroll through the old town cemetary.

Lush is more about frequency than quantity. If you’re under the influence more often than you’re not, you’re a lush. Not to say that quantity doesn’t matter, but there are more factors.

**Winston ** and Pix, y’all rock!

I’d say come this weekend but it’s Saturday evening already and I’m actually leaving myself in about an hour to go my folks’ house for a couple of days. I need to get a move on because drinks and snacks started at their place some time ago!!

I don’t think they make them in my size, but if they did, I would.

How 'bout you, then, eh?