Are you lonely and miserable? There’s somebody for everybody in the world, and I bet that special someone (or a reasonable, if temporary, facsimile) posts right here at the ol’ SDMB.
So sign up here and we’ll see if we can make you happy.
Are you lonely and miserable? There’s somebody for everybody in the world, and I bet that special someone (or a reasonable, if temporary, facsimile) posts right here at the ol’ SDMB.
So sign up here and we’ll see if we can make you happy.
A nickel? That’s a lot less then those bastards downtown charged me. Sign me up.
It’s cheap because you do the work instead of me. Tell us about yourself.
Really, this is semi-serious. Some nice relationships have come out of the SDMB. And I’m real sick of people moaning about how lonely they are then laughing off the flirtatious, or downright obscene, responses they get because they are convinced nobody could really be interested in ugly duckling them.
If I don’t get a date, do I get my nickel back?
No refunds!
(You’re a Registered Doper. You’re free.)
Damn, well do I get to get my dignity back?
On second thought, I already lost that years ago.
I’m in.
Info, por favor.
I am game…
but the only other doper within hundreds of miles of me is Angkins, and she isnt my type.
I like short, geeky fellows, with a sarcastic sense of humor, and if they are bald or balding (ESPECIALLY male-pattern-baldness!!) then thats a big plus!
Hmmmm, sounds like we might have some winners here. But we may never know BECAUSE YOU PEOPLE FOLLOW DIRECTIONS LIKE FLORIDA VOTERS! Tell us about yourself or what you’re looking for in a mate.
This is so much work I may have to raise my prices.
I have a great deal for the ladies–for only $20 each, I promise I’ll never attempt to date them. C’mon, you’d pay several times that amount to avoid me if I was actually after you–think of it as insurance.* Unlimber that wallet and buy protection for your female friends and relatives as well.** Makes an excellent Christmas gift!***
*Offer void where prohibitted by statute, common law, or common sense.
**Individuals under 18 and over 60 are exempt, but feel free to send in money for them anyway.
***I have nothing to say here. I just like having three astericks like that.
Okay I guess I’m in…
I’ll be 18 in a week and live in Edmonton… I’m going to school and planning to go to university when I graduate or perhaps college… right now I think I want to become a Computer Support Technician. I have a fairly good sense of humor (I hope) and in general I guess I’m looking for a nice guy with a sense of humor who can make me laugh and is around my height and age. I’m 6’ btw and am not stunningly pretty or anything though I think I look decent at least. shrugs I don’t have any pics online though… sorry guys…
There… well that’s all I can think of putting shrugs and wanders off
OK, I’ll play it straight here. I’m a white (read caucasian) male, age 26 years, 5’10", 175 lbs, hazel eyes, brown hair (pattern receding as a matter of fact–though you wouldn’t necessarily know right away as I’m rarely seen without a baseball cap, a habit that goes all the way back to when my age was in the single digits). I’ve got an extremely sarcastic personality and like to make fun of anything and everything, including myself if applicable, although I am able to be serious when and where necessary. To be honest, I’ve had a couple of tough breakups that have left me shaken and stirred–no, shaken and a little uncertain of myself. I’d like to meet a woman who has enough of a sense of humor to laugh at herself and who can take a drink now and then.
So there you go. Luckily I’m comfortable sticking my neck on a line
Hey, I’m in!!
What do I need to do?
::comes running::
Set me up, dadzo… [sub]oh, shit[/sub]
I’m a pink (read caucasian) male, age 42 years, 6’ 1¾", 250 lbs, hazel eyes, brown hair (starting to thin, but you have to be taller than me to see it). I have a moustache and mutton chops, and (IMO) slightly resemble a dark-haired Captain Kangaroo. I have worn glasses since age 13, but am nearsighted, so this does not interfere with close encounters – just don’t expect me to read your expression from across the room without my “cheaters”. I can be quite dignified as the occasion warrants, though if you’re familiar with my posting style, you know I have a sense of humor. Visit the website in my sig to learn more about my personality – I haven’t updated it recently, but I haven’t changed all that much. I’m recently divorced, but this has not colored my perception of women. I know many women who are wonderful, lovely people (and one in particular who probably isn’t ::devilish grin:: ). I live in a three-bedroom home that I’m purchasing myself. I have two small dogs who provide companionship, but little in the way of conversation. I have a 3-year-old son by a previous marriage (he’s a little stinker – and I say that with pride) who I love very much and try to spend time with whenever circumstances (and TW) permit. I like to cook, with an emphasis on “kitchen experimentation”, and am fond of old and/or campy movies. Between Thanksgiving and New Year’s day, I am caught up in the holiday spirit and am sappily sentimental (not that I’m not sentimental the rest of the year – it just tends to slop all over the place during the holidays ;)).
I’m looking for a woman approximately my age (+ or - 10 years or so) who possesses a sense of humor, a backbone and a pulse (:D). I am a Christian, but somewhat unconventional in my beliefs (I have a friend who claims I am really a Reform Jew, but don’t know it). Physical appearance is of secondary importance. If you’re lovely inside, I’ll tend to perceive the outside in the same way, though I do prefer tall women. A smaller woman with climbing gear and a sense of adventure will be considered tall for the purpose of fulfilling this last requirement (no crampons or pitons, please).
Good habits: I like to ensure my bills are paid on time. I write down important dates so I’ll remember them (if you want perfect memory, date a laptop). I like to give gifts for no reason apart from the fact that I like someone. I am polite (unless circumstances warrant otherwise – a rare occurrence). I am a gentleman (in the sense that I go out of my way to ensure others are comfortable in my presence).
Bad habits: I can get very focused when performing a task that demands my attention. I snore. I smoke (though I’m planning to quit again, just as soon as the VA can get me into a smoking cessation class). When in a situation where the utmost decorum is not a requirement, I have been known to “relieve pressure” audibly (although, unlike my nephew, I do not pull the blankets over my partner’s head to share the experience).
Object: Monogamy, with an eye towards marriage (but only if we’re both comfortable with the idea).
I’ll jump on the wagon . . .
I’m a 5’6"/170lb professional military officer/part-time hockey player in North Dakota. I’ve got dirty blond hair, blue eyes, and a really laid back sense of humor. I am very big on the “gentlemanly” thing on dates (sometimes to my loss) and don’t mind showing a lady a good night. My interests lie in the outdoors, politics, beer, and knowledge. Serious replies only, and you have to be able to spell “rhubarb” without a dictionary. You can find my web page at the end of the thread. Thank you . . .
I might be looking for too much to ask for.
Oh I’m in, I’m in all right. I need a date!!!
If you want to know what I look like, I am on the people pages. Under the name Michi.
I’m 31, and if anyone hasn’t seen my sigs, I’m a veterinary nurse, who works nights on emergency. Leo, never been married, no kids. Jewish by birth, but I don’t practice any religion. I’m half Japanese. Ummm…born in Brooklyn but have lived most of my life in FL. Currently in Tampa. I love animals and anyone I am with must love them as much as I do! (only in the legal sense, of course)
I’m difficult to get to know. I’m very quiet and…I don’t know…aloof? Maybe I spend too much time with my cats (I have five). I have a sarcastic sense of humor. Sometimes people have a hard time telling when I am kidding, and they just think I’m being mean. I’m not very touchy feely, and invading my personal space before being invited to do so is one good way to piss me off.
I like to do the simple things…like movies and dinner, but every now and again I like to go to a pub or a club. I enjoy reading (fantasy and horror the most). One of my biggest dreams though ,is to get to travel. Anywhere. So far the most exotic place I have been is Canada (thanks, Little Nemo!) And, of course, I want someone to travel with. Going alone is no fun.
I am not a high maintenance person. It really doesn’t take a lot to make me happy.
I don’t ever want to have children. This may hinder me from ever meeting a man, but it is a big issue and one I cannot change my mind about.
I don’t have any specific age preferences, but I’d say anyone between 25 and 37 would be OK.
I don’t have any specific ideas about looks, either. I never know what I will find attractive till I see it. One of the last guys I feel for was a total nerd, but he was very intelligent,and that is what attracted me.
I’m no good at talking about myself. This is enough for now. Want to know more? Write to me!
Esteemed Mr. Tripler, I have now visited your website. Not fair - I always think of “Trog” as fun name for myself and friend and ex-boyfriend of c.10 years ago. Huh, we should have copyrighted it at the time, I suppose. Well, troggy greetings anyway.
Hmm… This could have some possibilities.
I’m 19, male and 6’4". I currently live in Prince George BC (look north, way north) and am attending University as a Biology major, with plans to go on into Marine Biology (I would love to work with whales).
I tend to be on the quite, shy side, until I get to know a person then my sense of humor begins to surface. I am a definite outdoors person, with a preference to the ocean (with me, long walks on the beach are not a cliche(that is socorny, but its late and I and I can’t think of anything else to say)). I also love camping. I am definitely low maintenance, with a very laid back personality.
My hobbies include just about anything outdoors, but tend to have some nerdish leanings(i.e. Astronomy, Birding, etc.). I like to fly fish too. Oh and I also love Yo-Yos (the kind with the string. Sheesh).
All I am really looking for is someone who is intelligent and who has a great sense of humor. All else is secondary. Relationship wise I’m happy with any level of commitment.
Boy there is so much more I want to add, but can’t think of right now. E-mail me if you want to know more, I am always eager to please. As for pics, you can find one on my cough webpage cough.
I really dislike talking about myself like this, so these things tend to be short and to the point. I would be much better with e-mail, believe you me.
(I think I might regret this in the morning, so I’ll post quickly and worry about it when I get up.)