David Gilmour joins Roger Waters performing The Wall

OK, this is really a Mundane Pointless Stuff I Must Share.

Or even a sneak brag.

Last July, when tickets for Roger Waters performing The Wall at the O2 in London went on sale, my friend and I picked Thursday 12th May out of the available dates.

Oh my, how lucky we were. I was being utterly, utterly blown away by the show anyway, and then came the moment the spotlights swung upwards in Comfortably Numb and there was David Gilmour standing atop the wall singing “There is no pain…”

Words fail me.

Oh, and lets not forget Nick Mason joined them on stage for Outside The Wall as well.

YouTube Comfortably Numb

YouTube Outside The Wall

And I know he’s knocking on a bit, but Roger Waters is looking damn good for his age. Especially in that long leather coat…

Lucky bastard.

You know, that’s exactly the reply I was hoping for. :smiley:

There’s now an official video of it on the Roger Waters Facebook page which is worth a look, but I can’t figure out how to share it here (if that’s even possible).

Total fucking lucky bastard. I hate you now, just a little bit.
Okay, not really, but I am *exceedingly *jealous. :wink:

Yup, totally green with envy.

That had to completely blow your mind.

Holy shit awesome.
(Anyone else stuck by a bit of irony in the crowd getting wild/noisy during The Wall?)

There were tears.

I got goosebumps watching the video. I once was at a Robert Plant show in the late 80s in NJ when Jimmy came out to play a few songs. Same goosebumps.

I’m reporting your OP and your whole damn thread out of pure jealousy.
You gotta pay, man!!!

You’re very lucky. I saw The Wall in the US last October. You’re right, Roger is looking very good these days :wink:

I’m glad they’ve patched things up a bit, even if just for themselves.