DC is retconning Wonder Woman & redesigning her costume

She’'s had “makeovers” before, but this is kind of “meg”. Costume looks like a generic mis-mash and doesn’t really “pop”.

Village Voice article - The Wonder Woman Makeover, or When Bad Things Happen to Superheroes

NYT article - Makeover for Wonder Woman at 69

I was never clear on why an ostensibly Greek heroine went about in a costume designed by a horny American jingoist, but that outfit is pretty far removed from Wonder Woman.

It looks a bit like past Wonder Girl outfits.

Didn’t they keep her in civvies for a while in the early '70s as a supposed nod to women’s lib?

It’s for a specific year-long character building storyline, in which the gods re-write history so that most of the Amazons are killed off sometime in the past, and she is raised in an urban environment by ordinary humans, thus the updated clothing. She’ll discover her abilities over time, and then try to undo the “fix”.

Yes, and at that time they also stripped her of her super powers, though they let her be very good at kung fu, while she did spylike stuff. Sort of an Emma Peel knockoff. It went over like a lead balloon … just like this makeover will.

Again, it is not a makeover or a retcon.

Gaaaaack! That is HORRIBLE!

The Lynda Carter Wonder Woman outfit could use a little updating, and it has been in the comics, but there’s no way she needs a makeover.

Here is the whole story.

Weird. It’s like they are giving her a Superman style origin story.

One more time-they are not changing her real origin story. They are giving her a temporary rewrite, and she will spend some time fixing it back to where it belongs.


Well I like it.

I thought it was obvious I was commenting on the re-write plot since that is where the change occurs.

Sorry-I misunderstood you. It’s just that a lot of the time, the conversation goes like this:

First person- “I am outraged that A is happening!”
Second person- “Actually, according to the proper sources B is happening, not A.”
Third through thirty third person- “I’m outraged about A happening, too!!”

I like the new look. The old one-piece swimsuit was seriously dated and laughable by modern standards. What woman would really want to fight crime in star-spangled granny-panties?

The new costume makes her look like an emo X-Men reject.

What? Cathy Lee Crosby’s costume wasn’t good enough?

I actually kinda liked WW’s white flowing costume when she renounced the Amazons back around 1969 and took up with that martial artist.

You’re all missing THE POINT: There’s only one Wonder Woman: LYNDA CARTER!

Well…at least they aren’t going the Negative Wonder Woman route :).