Four couples going on a houseboat vacation. One of the couples going is not married yet, but they are expecting. One half of one of the couples is the captain of the houseboat. The other couples decided it would be fun to set up a surprise mock wedding with the captain of the houseboat officiating in order that the child will not be born out of wedlock.
Please don’t anyone become offended and say that we’re implying children shouldn’t be born out of wedlock, I assure you we are not. Everyone involved is absolutely certain that this bit of fun will come off delightfully and be received with the loving playfulness and joy in which the idea (and the child) was conceived.
We have not gotten very far with the vows and would very much appreciate the input of this communities imaginative, clever and witty members to help us out. Our goal is for this to be friendly, light hearted, loving and as funny as possible.
So far we have:
Dearly bewildered, we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy mattress funnies.
May the hilarity begin!
[sub] I hope I posted to the correct forum. Right this minute, I’m wishing for a mentor I could instant message or a chat room where I could pop in and ask to be sure. If I’ve posted to the wrong forum, please feel free to move it. [/sub]
I am wiping away water which I spewed on the screen quite indelicately and very unattractively, upon reading your post Cartooniverse. The genteel ladies at the finishing school were I and hundreds other twelve and thirteen year old young ladies were taught never to do such things, would have swooned in horror.
I just knew someone in this crowd would have some great ideas. Thank you. Regretfully, the cruise is full and I don’t even get to go. I’m just trying to help out with the witty vows. Another sad note, my flirt muscle must be seriously atrophied because for the life of me I can’t think of how to respond to