DFW Dopers - Wanna put on goofy shoes, drink beer, and laugh at each other?

Mrs. Chef, Chef Jr. and I went bowling over the weekend and had a great time laughing at how bad we all are at it. It occurred to us that our little SDMB gang already looks like a bunch of bowlers, so why not make it official?

How interested would you folks be in meeting at the bowling alley some time, perhaps on a Sunday? There’s one not too far from my house - we could have lunch here and then caravan to the bowling alley after - or we could find one more centrally located.

Post here and tell me what you think.

Well don’t know where my post from earlier went but…

Count me in. Sounds like fun. I’m a horrible bowler and I’ll have trouble finding a ball. I broke my finger a few years ago and all the light balls have smaller fingerholes. It’s going to take me awhile to find a ball that I can use and still have a fingerhole large enough for my chunky middle finger. :slight_smile:

Count me in. I’m a terrible bowler and haven’t bowled for years, but I don’t care. I’ll go for it. At least I’ll know why y’all are laughing at me.


Well, now, y’all just have lots of fun. I don’t care for beer, but if someone would like to drink a wine cooler for me I’d appreciate it :).

dob, who can’t make this one :frowning:

Uh, Dob, if you want to be believable when you say you can’t make it, it’s customary to wait until we pick an actual DATE. Otherwise it’s just too obvious that you’re blowing us off.


Are long time lurkers, like myself, invited?

Of COURSE you are. The more the merrier. Just remember that LTLs like yourself are responsible for buying the first round.

Not a problem. :slight_smile:

Well, I’m out of town this weekend (3 days of LARPing in Colorado–anybody got an oxygen mask?), but dates after that are negotiable.

My bowling ineptitude borders on the unimaginable. I have been (badly) outbowled by toddlers–but in the company of Dopers, I doubt it will matter too much.

This weekend would be very, very bad for me. I’m moving on Monday, and of course I’ll be going to the Eagles on Saturday. The following weekend would probably work for me.

Also, you guys don’t need to put on goofy shoes to convince me to drink beer. Or laugh at you for that matter. :slight_smile:

Another inept bowler here! This should make for a really high scoring game!

I don’t drink beer, but the rest I can do. Or would if I could. Are you looking for any cheerleaders? :wink: Depending on when you finally decide to have it, that is. I love to bowl, but doubt I should any time soon. I even have my own ball and shoes and everything. <Not that I’m such a great bowler mind you; the last time I bowled I had a hard time breaking 100. :frowning: >

Keep me informed. Sounds like great fun. At least I have unlimited mileage on my rental van. :smiley: But, I would need a place to crash for the night, and Mr Bear if I can talk him into coming too. Now there’s someone who is good at bowling. <Oh, oh. Now they won’t want us to come. :eek:>

Uhh, you may be thinking of golf.

Aw crap. Ya caught me. dob winks back at Cheffie
[sub]oh my gaw that wasn’t a flirt was it? behave myself![/sub]

Actually I did presume you were talking about this next weekend, but by the look of the other posts I wasn’t alone. So, nyaa nyaa nyaa. So pick a date already. Then we’ll see. :slight_smile: :wink:

BTW, my bowling skills? Eh.

Still out of work, dad gummit!! Perhaps taking out my agression on some innocent bowling pins will do the trick.

We’ll see if the date works.

Tommy, it should help to slaughter a few bowling pins.

dob wink
[sup]I never like to let Cheffie get in on all the flirting[/sup]

Purp, it’d be great if you can make it up here. Leave that Mr. Bear character behind though. I’m sure he’d get in our way.
[sup]That should be enough incentive to get his butt up here to join us.[/sup]


Let me try that again…

[sarcasm]This should make for a really high scoring game![/sarcasm]

This is an interesting coincedence, recently my wife has been saying she’d like to go bowling sometime. I’ll run it by her. I wonder if they have shoes in my size, though…

Hey! I’m in, if you can wait a bit…say, until next February? See, I am coming to visit my darling Grace next President’s Day weekend.

Oh, all right. I expected this, so it isn’t going to break [sub]what little is left of[/sub] my heart if you don’t want to wait.

No, no…don’t wait for me…I’ll be fine. [sub]sniff sniff[/sub] It’s okay. I’m a lousy bowler anyway.

[sub]but cute, surely that counts SOMEWHERE?[/sub]
