I was on the internet the other day checking out the stock quotes when I ran across a picture of her supposedly from a playboy shoot. Now, being as I only check stock quotes while on the internet I may not be the best judge of fake pictures but this looked pretty dang real.
Now… not that I care but I was wanting to know what issue she was in… as I hear there were some hot stock tips in there… yeah.
I guess that by the silence I can conclude that she WAS not and the pic I saw was a fake. [sub]but soooo good[/sub] If she WAS I would assume that people would be crawling from the woodwork going… “oh yeah! that was a great volume #90!!! whooo hoo… the stock tips really got me off!!” But alas they are not… nor am I…
I want to thank EACH AND EVERY one of you (with the exception of pezpunk) for not answering and therefore ANSWERING my question!!! You are all soooo good to me! sniff :sad/happy smilie:
Ummm … it could just be a really good pic taken from a movie of hers in which she performed a nude scene? Like maybe from a DVD of ‘Eyes Wide Shut’
There’s an auction in Amazon.com with a Playboy from Nov 1999 which says it has 3 nude shots of her. Auction ID: 0806J690568
And then in July 1992 she answered Playboy’s 20 Q. also from Amazon.com Auction ID: 0806W133613
I couldn’t find anything but I don’t see why she wouldn’t pose for Playboy. She’s a hottie.
Next up:
Roseanne to pose for Playboy
LOS ANGELES - Roseanne will pose for Playboy, according
to World Entertainment News. “I’ve never been as
hot as I am now. I can’t get enough of my new body,” Roseanne said. http://www.eiozine.com/id62.htm
Going back into my archives, I see that the Nicole Kidman pictures in the November 1999 Playboy were in the “Sex in Cinema” section and were mere still-frame shots (and blurry ones at that) taken from Eyes Wide Shut. You’d do better to buy the DVD.