Disney to acquire Lucasfilm for $4.05B [And new Star Wars movie in 2015]

Story here.

Yes! I’m most curious to see what new rides they add at the themeparks.

Also, Episode 7 is confirmed for 2015.

Interesting, this is.

I wonder why Lucas is selling? What does he get out of this?

<Admiral Ackbar>It’s a TRAAAAP!<Admiral Ackbar>

Um… $4.05 **BILLION **dollars, half in cash.

Well, they probably can’t make more of a mess of it then Lucas did. So who knows, maybe it’ll be good.

Plus, we might finally see that Howard the Duck sequel we’ve all been crying out for.

Four billion dollars?

But yea, I get your question. What’s a seventy year old guy that’s already sitting on three billion dollars do with another four billion that he wasn’t doing before? I suspect he’ll funnel it into his various charities, he’s been pretty active funding various children education efforts.

He’s probably sick of the fanboys. It’s gotta be tiring having to put up with all the complaining and vitriol. Plus $2 billion in cash and $2 billion in Disney stock probably helps.

He says his goal all along was for Star Wars to outlive him and he wanted to pass the torch during his lifetime. We’ll see how that goes.

Good for George. I was personally a bit worried on how he was getting by with a mere 3 billion dollars. Now that he’ll have at least 5 billion in cash money, I’ll be able to sleep a little easier at night.

Do they come to his house and complain? I doubt he’s exposed to any more complaining and vitriol then he wants to be.

I hope they don’t try to merge LucasArts with Disney Interactive.

I’m starting to think that Disney might find itself facing an antitrust lawsuit sooner or later. They’re trying to monopolize the entertainment industry.

I am pretty excited. There are several directors who could probably make Star Wars films which make a lot of money and are pretty good, perhaps the best ever. Joss Whedon and JJ Abrams come to mind. There is a reasonable chance Disney is smart enough to give the Stars Wars films to these directors. I think good things will come out of this.

Lucas obviously doesn’t need the money and I always thought he would never allow other directors to make new Star Wars films. I am glad I was wrong.

I wonder if this deal makes Lucas the richest movie person ever. No star has ever made this kind of money and I don’t think someone like Spielberg has either. I don’t know what kind of inflation-adjusted money the old moguls made but I doubt it was in this league. Of course it’s possible, even likely, he was the richest movie person before this deal.

I’d love to see Brad Bird direct.

Will it be animated?

According o this site, Speilberg is worth $3 billion.

Well, it is a small world, after all.

Good for the house of mouse.

After the ewoks in return of the jedi, and the prequels, the franchise seemed disney ready, anyways. All that was really missing was the princess doing a solo song on a wind swept plain, no pun with the solo intended.

The new movie is just a bonus.


Well played, Ethilrist.