I used to not think so, until I started dating a girl who was completely perplexed at my ideas about what you are and aren’t supposed to do in various stages of commitment.
Me, I take a relationship very seriously. I don’t get into one unless I can see a possibility of marriage. I’ve got no problem with the one night stand or even my favorite, the elusive twelve night stand*. But to me, once you’ve decided to be in a relationship, there is a certain mindset you need to be in.
A relationship being generally that you’re a “couple”, you introduce each other to strangers as your boyfriend/girlfriend, etc. As soon as this happens, you switch gears. Cute and interesting people are now long lost siblings. Any possible interest is discarded, the same as you would for a hot cousin, because it’s just Something You Don’t Do.
My mother, most of her friends, and my (now) ex all seem to have an impression that until there’s a ring on that finger and you say “I do”, you’re a free agent. Exclusivity applies to sex and everything else is fair game. Curiously, they all share histories of failed relationships, but maybe that’s just bitter old me looking for proof that I’m right.
That seems so counter-intuitive to me. If you want to keep dating, stay single. For the love of god, just break up with whomever you’re with. How can you expect to truly develop a relationship when you aren’t fully invested in it?
*After having sex with someone about six times, you really start to get good. After twelve, you get a whiff of repetition. It’s very scientific.