This is a delicate situation, and I really am not sure how to handle it. My father and stepmother just visited us for two weeks. It was a good visit generally, we all got to play tourist and see some interesting local sights, and I got to spend some quality time with my dad. The problem is one of hygiene. When I picked them up from the airport (after a long intercontinental flight), I immediately noticed that both of them smelled really bad. The odor filled my car, and had the same effect in our apartment. It was shockingly bad, more than just tangy underarm odor, but general stink (sorry, I can’t think of words to describe it – they just smelled bad). It went like this for the whole trip, wherever they were just had a cloud of body odor around it. My wife and I took whichever steps we could without actually saying anything (making up an excuse to keep all of our shoes on the balcony outside, spraying their shoes with lysol every night while they slept, doing laundry almost every day). Gradually it got a little better as they became immersed in our environment and all their clothes made it through the wash. But that is when we realized the root cause of it – they didn’t bathe much. I think my dad bathed every alternate day when he was with us, and my stepmother bathed every third day. And they didn’t even have a shower on the first day they arrived, even after 10 hours in a plane and 24 hours in the same clothes!
And the second (no doubt related) problem is the hygiene of their own house. Their home smells (and looks) almost as bad, but at the scale of an entire building. Their place is revolting and we dread having to visit them. My stepmother does not work, yet despite being at home all day, doesn’t clean much either. There is 25 years of accumulated dirt and stink in their house. The have a dog, which doesn’t help any, but I think that the odor is mostly from them. Whenever we have visited my hometown in the past, we have been able to make an excuse to stay at my mother’s place (she lives 10 miles away), saying that for reasons of nostalgia we wanted to stay in my childhood bedroom. That worked OK, and we managed to survive the few hours we would have to spend at a time at their place. However, my mother is about to sell the home and move away, which means that we won’t have that excuse the next time we visit. I don’t even want to think about having to sleep in my dad’s house, not just for myself, but for my wife and my two young daughters. For all I know there might actually be health risks involved. There was even a time quite a few years ago when the Health Department actually cited them.*
So I am grappling with two questions. The first is, do I say anything to my dad about their body odor, and if so, what? The smell problem really impacted on the quality of the trip, and made us count the days until they left, which was really sad.
But even if we can get them to take care of their personal hygiene while they visit us, our future visits to their place pose a bigger problem. I just can’t imagine anything they could do there to make it acceptable…
Thoughts and advice would be appreciated.
- Or it might have been Child Services. I can’t remember.