Do you know any other doper's dirty little secrets?

Come on, let’s dish. I heard that…

Scylla isn’t a real monster and Crunchy Frog isn’t really that crunchy.

So…What have you heard?

[sub]DISCLAIMERThe is thread was not inspired by another thread. Any similarity between this and any other thread either living or dead is purely a coincidence.[/sub]

Ender sometimes picks his ass and then smells his fingers.

Oh…other dopers.

yes on that too.

Mr. Cynical isn’t the horny, lonely, unkempt hermit he leads us to believe he is.

Oh yeah?! Well I heard that The Mermaid doesn’t have a fish tail at all! It’s more of a squid-like posterior.
[sub]Rassin-frassin people saying I’m not crunchy… why don’t you come over here and BITE ME, then we’ll see who’s not crunchy! <grumble grumble>[/sub]

aha was a rock 'n roll star.

well, sure…

…but I’ll never tell

Well, two out of three ain’t bad :smiley:

hardygrrl isn’t really a storm in the form of a girl, just a patch of low barometric pressure.

Other Dopers?

<whistles and makes wide eyed innocent face>


matt_mcl, some may recall, is indeed my brother…

This could get ugly. :smiley:

someone_else is Really someone ELSE!

and vanilla only eats chocolate, not vanilla

I heard that Cecil Adams spends way too much time with
Ed Zotti’s wife. I don’t think they’re playing parcheesi either. :wink:

Other doper’s secrets huh, well I’ve heard that

The LIONsob is married to a very sweet, shy woman.

The LIONsob,Ringo and JimB give knives, cigarettes and beer to babies in bars.

MrC. and Sqrlcub give good reach around.

Sealemon88 is ** not ** a yellow fish.

Byzantine is really rather quiet and shy.

Scotti really hates everyone and that her sweet, loving act is only to keep our guard down so she can take over the world.

There are those who would fervently disagree.

I have it on good authority (I got it from the internet, so it must be true. The internet wouldn’t lie. Or would it?) that Esprix is a straight as straight can be. Also:

Porcupine, in fact, loves a good prick on occasion.
Jarbaby is, in fact, not a Rammstein fan.
Thinksnow wants to live in Southern Arizona.
Miss Creant is a big brownnoser with no intention of ever breaking the rules. Oh, and she’s not Jewish, either.
Cecil Adams lives in a trailer park in Piss-On-A-Stick, Oklahoma, and drives a snow plow to work.

Ha! They don’t * have * snowplows in Oklahoma, you big dummy!


That’s why it’s worth mentioning, cp. If I said he drove a snowplow and lived in Denver it wouldn’t be unusual, would it? :rolleyes:

OK, I hate to admit this, and it’s really hard for me. If I break down, I’m gonna need some support here.

deep breath

[sub]I can breathe through my nose just fine[/sub]

I’m so ashamed!

:Runs away bawling:

Ok, I’ll admit it…
Can’t believe I’m posting this…

Wait for it

When Jeff Hardy has a match with Rob Van Dam, I fantasize about them both. Sometimes I idly wonder why Rob’s sweat tastes like, and marvel at his flexibilty…
I’m a bad person, and a shame to the name hardygrrl. :slight_smile:

Perhaps they’re playing [Roger Rabbit]Patty-Cake[/RR]

CrankyAsAnOldMan is, actually, pretty cantankerous, though only somewhat, and not really, old. She has nice man-boobs, though.

Sohpie has a large collection of Hallowe’en costumes that she considers normal, day-to-day, clothes.

JoeyHemlock is Mercutios father, they live in a nice villa in Central America.

Superdude can fly, but chooses to walk to maintain his cover.

Juniper200 was a stunt double for Lara Croft.

BunnyGirl is having a birthday today.
