Do you pee in the shower?

Yes. I’m pretty much conditioned to at this point and the few times I took a shower with my SO I had to consciously stop myself. Man, I’m one helluva catch.

Well, I was there when the house was being built, so I knew exactly where the water drained to, where the tank was, what the pipes did, and all that. (My stepfather built the house, and we “helped,” that is, we nailed in stuff he told us to nail in.)

Our drainage field was about… oh, 150 yards from the pumping station for the neighborhood.

And unlike George Costanza, we didn’t live in a big city, so no, they weren’t all “just pipes.” They were actually differentiated between septic and gray water.

But still… peeing in the shower… I just decided “ewww” and left it at that.

No. I go before I get in the shower as a pre-emptive measure. Peeing in the shower…yuck! Probably moreso for a girl because, well, we can’t aim away from ourselves.

Yes. I also shave, brush my teeth and masturbate in the shower.

What can I say, I like it in there. Actually… I think I’ll go have a shower right now.

I’ve never been one to shave or brush my teeth in the shower (I use an electric razor and an electric toothbrush, and they both handle water well but come on, let’s not push it)–however, I do masturbate in the shower at times. I prefer the toilet, though, as I don’t wear glasses into the shower and can’t really tell how well I’ve cleaned up the shower afterwards.

Oh yeah, TMI warning. Don’t read the above.

Do you pretend they’re evil island empires?

What do you think I am, some sort of freak? :dubious:

Of course I do.


I don’t know whether to gag or laugh…

To the OP: yes, but only if I’m alone.

Yup. Do it at the gym, too.

Good on you.

Literally, not once in my life that I’m aware of. It never even so much as occured to me until I read about it.

But not so good on others.

i’ve peed on other people in the shower.

when they weren’t even expecting it.

multiple times. over about fifteen years.

what?! it’s in the shower… it’s not like they weren’t being simultaneously, and then after, cleaned.

never pooped in a shower though… well, i guess there might have been some leakage in some after sex showers. but never enough to be like, “omg! there’s poop in the shower!”

besides, urine is sterile, and anything else would be touched only by feet. which are washed last anyway. at least, in my experience.

and yes, i only drink (multiply) filtered water. but if you had to drink from the great lakes like i do, it’d be multiply filtered (at minimum) as well. regardless of your shower pee habits.


Ditto. I’ve never been fond of the sensation of warm liquid trickling down my thigh. I know urine is sterile and everything, but just . . . ick. I’d rather just hop out of the shower to the toilet and back in again than pee in there.

We had a discussion about how peeing on one’s feet in the shower can kill Athlete’s Foot fungus.

You pee on em just before turning the water on.
Supposedly, the PH factor kills the fungus.

I’ve been experimenting with this on & off for a couple of years.

Seems to work.


I peed in your shower earlier.

Yup. Grossed out by some sterile pee on your feet? Do you KNOW what’s in your carpet that you love to treat your bare feet to? You’ll be wishing it was only someone else’s pee!

Does cure Athlete’s foot. Madonna says so, and I will provide my own anecdotal evidence to support that statement. Never had jockitch but IIRC it’s a similar fungus so…

And ladies, yes you CAN aim away from yourself and pee standing up. Takes a little practice, and there is no better place to practice experimental excretion than in the shower.

Yeah, I pee in the shower. I suspect that most men do. I’ll also pee in the sink in a pinch.

I pee in the shower, and if someone’s in there with me, I’ll try to pee on her leg because I think it’s funny.