Do you pee in the shower?

I pee in the shower when I’m alone, and in the gym shower (single stall).

Always wear your flip-flops in the public showers! :slight_smile:

I’ve been on this message board a lot of years, and this topic shows up again and again. What is the universal appeal of shower peeing??


Well yeah… it helps break apart the loaf I just pinched.

I had no idea there were people who didn’t pee in the shower. That’s seriously weird.

You just feel so… free when you do it. You really must try it sometime.

You…worry…me, Rigamarole.

That’s the word.

My wife got mad at me once for peeing in front of her…

… she said I should have moved the dishes out of the way first! :smiley:

just kidding.

Heck yeah I’ve wizzed in the shower.

gee, I hate to hijack, but while it’s fresh on my mind… what are some of your favorite euphemisms for peeing?

go wet
take a leak
drain the radiator

Exactly. The thought never came close to entering my head until I saw one of the previous threads on this topic. From the time I was 9 months old (at which point in time my parents had learned that they had another child on the way) I was taught to go in the toilet, and only in the toilet. Over the years this instruction became quite deep-seated, and exceptions to the rule (peeing in the bushes on fishing trips: OK, peeing in skanky porta-potties at concerts: OK) were added much later and don’t seem to have the same power as the “only in the toilet” rule.

I just can’t pee in the shower. I can’t overcome the fundamental taboo.

Ain’t kissin’ my brother, either.

I don’t think you can compare the two.

I’ve responded before and will again. Yes, I do and I recommend it. It’s freeing. Like being in the wild when it’s raining.

I pee in the shower. I wrote an essay in grade 9 about the benefits of peeing in the shower. Generally one of the first questions I’ll ask a person I have just met is “do you pee in the shower?”

If I’m in the shower with somebody else I’ll ask prior to peeing. If they decline permission I ask them to kindly remove themselves from the shower while I go. While shower peeing, I always aim towards the drain, unless I’m aiming at the person (always ask additional permission for that).

Well, if she’s showering with someone called Grossbottom, then I suppose she must have a pretty high “ick” tolerance in the first place.

Yes, I pee in the shower. I also shave in the shower. (But I’m a girl, so where else would I shave?)

I have a square shower stall and being someone of epic proportions, I can’t pretzel myself enough to shave in there. Should I decide to resume the habit, I’ll sit on the closed pot and shave over a towel, with a basin of water handy.

Anyhoo, I side with George and say that “I saw a drain!” and that I pee in the shower; it’s a drain in the middle of the stall so I spread my feet and let her rip. The drain is clear so it pretty much instantly disappears. I didn’t start doing this until I lived on my own, but now I do it even at other people’s houses, provided I will shampoo and soap up to wash it away during the course of the shower.

You want free? I live out in the country – closest neighbor is a half-mile away. Nothin’ says freedom like whippin’ it out in the great outdoors and lettin’ go. Don’t wanna’ get too caught up in the freedom thing, though. Sunburn’s a bitch.

But yeah, sometimes, only at home. I go to a gym regularly, and the nice thing about guys’ locker rooms is you don’t have to towel off to drain the lizard – just walk, dripping wet, to the urinal, then get back in the shower.

Off to IMHO.

I thank Number One, starship captain and Greek god of urination.

At our minor league baseball games, I get out of my seat, walk down the stands to the rail, unbutton my jeans, and pee in the dirt. Always on the third base side, btw, Never on the first base side, that would be gauche.

*KICK * it? How big is your, umm, product?

I won’t ask about the kitchen sink! :smiley:

I did. Once. For twenty minutes. Back in the – oh nevermind.

OK, I’m really curious. Does this end up with you not getting tail for a long time? How exactly does this end, anyway?