Does ANYONE watch this show?!?

Strangers With Candy on Comedy Central is without a doubt the WORST show on TV. I CANNOT BELIEVE that they renewed this pile of garbage.

Beside being totally unfunny, the woman on the show is the ugliest thing since…well EVER!! I would compare her to a baboon’s butt, but baboons would get pissed. She gives me the creeps just looking at her. It looks like someone started her face on fire, and put it out with a chain! The first time I say her my eyeballs actually fell out of my head an ran across the room in horror. Then she spoke, and her voice made my ears bleed!

I can’t believe they cancelled MST3K and yet THIS they renew.

I ask again, does ANYONE watch this?!?!

I can’t even stand the commercials, I’m certainly not going to watch the show.

I actually did watch the first episode. It was terrible, awful, stinkin’, rotten, appalling, dreadful, and horrible (this sentence brought to you by the Save the Thesaurus Foundation).

i love it! i even watch the reruns!!!

Lee? Tell me you’re kidding.

I’ve seen it a time or two. It’s horrible. Why it wasn’t cancelled after half a dozen episodes is beyond me. I’ll agree with the OP that the woman who plays the main character is so ugly, it made me wish I were blind. And her voice is like a thousand fingernails on a chalkboard. (Although this noise never did have much of an effect on me, I use the analogy to get my point across.)

Look at it this way, brat. It’s Comedy Central, home of The Upright Citizens Brigade, Strip Mall, The Man Show, and countless others I have failed to mention. Sure there are some good shows, but most are incredibly stupid.

I’m glad I’m not the only one horrified by that… that… whatever the hell it is!

I can’t even bear the commercials for it! The latest was so grotesque, the doctor telling her a diagnosis of all the sexually transmitted diseases she has?? I was cooking dinner and RAN from the kitchen into the den just to shut the tv off, yuck!!! :mad:

No, i am not.

I love that, as well as the Upright Citizens Brigade. My favorite moment was when the health teacher demonstrated putting a condom on. She did not roll it on but unrolled it, gathered it up and stretched it over the vegetable letting go with a loud snap. I love its messed up messages and the fractured afterschool special point of view. I treasure every distorted cliche. It reminds me of how often my life and tv actually reinforced twisted values.

I…I don’t know what to say. Ummm…I guess it is your choice what you watch on TV, so I’m not really going to say anything. Wow.

I’m just glad to know that I don’t stand alone in my complete disgust of this particular show. I just don’t understand why people think it’s funny. I know that stupid humor can be funny… look at the Simpsons and South Park, but Strangers with Candy just sucks.

Not to mention, Dragwyr, that no one (to my own personal knowledge) has ever become physically ill or been completely disgusted looking at Homer Simpson or Eric Cartmen.

Sorry, I’m from the Great White North and thus only have The Comedy Channel which doesn’t have SWC. Just wondering what the show was. Does it have a plot or some gimmick or is it just a sketch comedy show?

Rob–The shtick of the show is a parody on after school specials. A 46 year old former hooker drug addict runaway returns to high school. A painfully stupid and bad show, but the commercials for it are kinda funny. “On an alarmingly special Strangers With Candy. . .”

Having never watched the show, (I agree with most of the sentiments already posted) is she really supposed to be a former hooker, drug addict? If so, then they hit the mark completely with her, she looks just like a former hooker (one of the ones that handles the truck stops in the really dangerous part of town) and drug addict. If she is not supposed to be these things well then she should be.

They have to use prosthetics (sp?) or something to make her that ugly don’t they? Please tell me they do.

Follow this link to see pictures of her.

You may have to click on the cast and characters link on the right side.


In answer, no, don’t watch it, doesn’t appeal to me.
but, I stopped wondering about stuff like that when my state elected a moron several years ago and have since re-elected him TWICE…

and, frankly, No, she DOESN"T look like an aging hooker etc. I work with ex-offenders, hookers typically die before the age this character is, have long since lost their teeth, have scars on thier arms etc., etc…

gotta wonder, why you’d bother spending time wondering about it?

Humor is highly subjective. I can’t understand why anyone likes the sitcom “Friends”, but I’m not going sit up on a highhorse and act incredulous to those that do. That being said, my girlfriend and I love watching SWC. The humor is about the maudlin and melodramatic way our society reacts to problems like drug/alcohol abuse, racism, STD’s, et cetera. I can’t explain it any more than that. I guess it’s one of those things, if you get it, you get it and if you don’t, change the channel.

wring Why do I wonder about such things?
I guess I have too much time on my hands.

Chief Crunch I sure do change the channel when it’s on. I watched it once and NEVER AGAIN! Unfortunatley I’m subjected to the commercials when I watch “The Daily Show”.

My horse isn’t that high, she’s only 14 hands, and I have to get off in order to use the computer. She doesn’t fit through the door so well.

Thanks for the info ThisYearsGirl. It sounds like a concept that could maybe last a show before running out of ideas. But, I guess I’d have to see it to find out for myself.
As for the star of it, StrTrkr777, the character appears to be a bad impression of Stewart Smalley from SNL on crack. Thanks for the link, StrTrkr, now I won’t be able to sleep tonight.
Rob rocks himself back and forth saying, “Don’t let the bad lady eat me, don’t let the bad lady eat me!”

Yes, this show does suck. The humor is just too dry and bland. Upright Citizens Brigade isn’t much better, but if I had a choice, I’d rather watch the latter. Did anyone ever watch *Bob & David * on HBO? I thought that was alright, being that they were able to swear and get away with some of the more racy stuff.

Hey, some people pay to get hit with canes.


Hey different strokes for different folks.

That being said, the show sucks.