Does "Repairman visits woman's house" Porn even exist??

I don’t mind admitting that I’ve seen a lot of pornographic videos. I’m a grown man. If you are a man and you’re reading this, unless you’re that one doper who’s never seen any porn, then you’ve probably seen quite a lot of it.

But of all the porn I’ve seen, I’ve never seen a TV/Boiler/Fridge/Anything repair man visit a woman’s house and get it on.

It’s usually just nondescript man + nondescript woman have rough sex, or two nondescript men + nondescript woman have sex, or sometimes seventeen nondescript men take turns to put their penis in a random orrifice of a nondescript woman.

As an aside - I can’t remember ever seeing a porn film where the participants didn’t have the kind of facial expressions that the rest of us have while doing difficult chores or having a shit. They certainly never look like there is any pleasure in it for them. And that’s a shame.

Clown porn to the rescue!

Yes, that really does happen in porn.

The postman also. There’s one called the Postman Cums Twice or Always Cums Twice - something like that.

I asked my boyfriend and he said you’re watching the wrong kind of porn.

He watches primarily older porn (before the early 90’s). If you’re not into gaping, spitting, plastic women, or plotless sex, then stick with the older stuff.

I can’t remember most of the titles for pornos that I’ve seen but I do recall delivery people and repairmen getting it on. I also recall that the older the porn, the more they seem to enjoy it.

And I’m not a man by the way.

And may I say, you’re my kind of not a man.

Aww, that’s so sweet!
I have noticed that men tend to go glassy-eyed when my sister and I start talking about porn, Playboy, and World of Warcraft.

I’m thinking 70s Porn.

Two out of three ain’t bad.

You have a thing for short Congo-ese.

(checks off a line on the notepad)

I’ve seen lots of plumber porn for some reason. Maybe because the guy gets on the floor, and she stands over and/or bends over to talk to him and…

Also, pool maintenance guy porn. Convenient because she usually starts out in a bikini, so there’s less clothing to explain away. “Ohh, it’s SOOO hot”. Yup, too hot even for a bikini.

I’ll be offline for a while now, looking for some good porn.

The only one I’m aware of is Logjammin’ with Karl Hungus and Bunny LaJoya.

?? Plot? Why would porn need a plot? :confused:


This, definitely. “Traditional” maintenance-man scenarios are just old. See for a NSFW take-off (Starring Ron Jeremy!)

Because it’s funny!

I saw one with a laugh track once. I don’t know if it was supposed to have one or if it was just bad editing. Every time the ghost started banging a woman, the laughing would start.

Zactly, that is the issue here.

Years ago, porn tried to be "real"movies, with plots and actors. But at some point they gave up on that. They discovered people wanted sex scenes and nothing else. Modern porn give them that.

If you want repairman porn, or any other plot, you have to go to the older stuff.

Believe it or not, porno actually exists where a computer repairman visits a woman’s house and 10 minutes into the film, bow chicka wow wow. One never forgets a porno with a premise like that, especially when one is a computer repairman.

Having done this for a living (computer repair, not porn, heh), I remember once going out to a customer’s house (the boss of my boss) and ringing the doorbell, only for it to be answered by two women in bikinis with good senses of humor. I cracked a smile all day when one of them said “Oh…we’ve been waiting for you.” Made my day. I fixed their computer and they handed me a check and thanked me. Nothing else happened…I don’t know, maybe I didn’t do something right. We’ll never know.

You’ll find a lot of those kinds of simple premise “plots” in pre-90s European porn. Though you’ll also find ugly clothing and irritating over-dubbing.

Jokes aside, I read somewhere that porn used to be required to have a plot to pass local obscenity laws in various places- ie, if there was a plot (no matter how paper-thin or superfluous to the film’s subject matter) then said film would be considered “Indecent” rather than “obscene”.

Back in the '50s, '60s, and '70s there was a genre of films known as “White-Coaters”, where a Doctor (or Respectable Man In A White Coat) would provide an introduction to the film (and its explicit sexual content), thus giving the film an “educational” component and again getting around obscenity laws.

But yeah, up until the mid-late '90s porn often had all sorts of zany and improbable plots which definitely included tradesmen, pool maintenance staff, and delivery people getting it on with attractive women.

I rather found the Ribald Tales of Canterbury hysterical, and Hyapatia Lee hot as hell.

I came in to mention Logjammin’, Gutterballs might have a similar plot.

I saw one porno on The Movie Network here in Ontario that included outtakes over the end credits. In one of them, a stray article of clothing fell off the back of the couch and landed on the girl’s face as she was diddling herself.