OK, so after school today, this girl who graduated our school last year and goes to the University here in town drops by to ask a teacher to be a reference for a job she’s getting. We used to hang out a fair bit, and upon seeing me she gives me a big ol’ hug, and we get to talking, and we decide to go out for coffee and to catch up.
So we go have coffee and cigars and talk and laugh a lot. She then suggests we go back to her place (she actually said it like that!). Lucki’s internal eyebrows raise. Hmm, he thinks. We do go to her place, a little apartment at a co-op. We head up to her room, we talk and such. She puts on Placebo, then pulls out photo albums and promptly gets on to the bed. We are soon laying side by side, looking at her pictures. She recounts a few naughty stories about the events these pictures were taken at. Lucki is waiting to make his move… and waiting… and waiting. Lucki does not make his move. Lucki eventually has to leave, feeling stupid and cowardly.
Possible upside: she DID invite me to a party that they are holding at the co-op tomorrow night, so there is hope for another chance. I can’t believe I didn’t do ANYTHING in a situation so… ripe for the… movemaking. Uh, yeah. You get the point.