
I just… well about two hours ago… kissed the girl of my dreams :smiley: . It was quite fantastic. We dated all through high school and the first few months of college. Then I, shall we say enjoyed the female amenities, while at school and put a kibosh on the relationship :smack: :frowning: . Fast forward through feeling like a complete asshole and regretting ever looking at another female (okay not quite but leaving this girl not a good idea) to today. Its been about 2 years since we broke up and we didnt talk much… remained friends but only saw each other once every few months and it was usually a one or two minute “So how are you doing” chat and thats it. So tonight started out as just that, sitting at starbucks drinking coffee, unfortunately we arrived 10 minutes before closing and had to move elsewhere, so we came back to my house to sorta awkwardly chat and wander about my home. Ended up just watching T.v. and chatting and getting comfortable again. Then it was time to go… and I had the most wonderful half-hour long good night kisses ever. :smiley: It could be up in the top ten of my all time.

Im still quite ecstatic about the entire ordeal. Although in the back of my mind I know the “what was that?” conversation will probably come or just figuring out if she wants to give it a go again, I obviously would love to. But for now I shall not worry about that and just remain giddy about having just made-out with the most perfect girl in the world…nigh, the UNIVERSE! :stuck_out_tongue:

Awww… good luck! I hope it works out well!

Good username/post combo! You da man.

Thank you, Thank you.
Now comes the “Well, was us making out at all meaningful… ooorrrrr did you just want to be all cuddly and kissy with someone for a bit” should be interesting. See how it goes i guess! :dubious:

Well, by what I’m picking up from your attitude about it, you should just email her the link to this thread. I think it will work in your favor. :cool:

Are you sure you meant unfortunately? :smiley:
Here’s hoping all goes as per the master plan… :wink:


I think there is an element of comfort in the familiarity of a person whom you have known like that in the past. It does make for a wonderful connection. Mystical almost. Good luck, and enjoy it, regardless of what happens…