Don't look over my shoulder when I'm web surfing beeyotch!

Don’t people know what an invasion of privacy it is to look at someone’s browser when they are surfing? I had a question about “glory holes” that I was gonna post on GQ when I decided to do a Google search first. Lo and behold, there is a Glory Hole FAQ. Now when my girlfriend walks in the room I don’t want to have to explain my morbid sociological fascination with all that is fringe. My browser is my diary and My History are the entries. So back off!

I used to have a supervisor who would come over to my cubicle to talk to me when I got in to work, and then hang around and read over my shoulder as I read my email. Jerk.

Okay, I went to go look up “glory holes”, and wow, there’s a lot of stuff going on in the world that I don’t know about. Now I know what “tea rooms” are, too!

Oh yeah, I hate people looking over my shoulders when I’m surfing/reading email/doing just about anything, frankly. I don’t like people in my personal space when I can see what they’re doing, much less when they’re behind me. And my emails are my business, dammit, not anyone else’s.

glory holes - hmmmmm - very interesting people -